The Real Scrooge

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Steve Blow         

The Real Scrooge

        I think that Scrooge was once very friendly and enjoyed life as well as Christmas, but things happened and caused his view on Christmas to change completely. I think the main reason he changed his view on life and everything around it was probably the death of one of the only people to ever love him, his beloved sister, Fanny. In fact this hurt him so much that it is possibly the reason why he didn’t get on very well with her son and his nephew, Fred. However there were many other reasons why as well. Such as before his sister died, when he was only a young lad, his father neglected him. He sent him off to a boarder school, where his father never once asked him to return home, even when the holidays came around. There was just one more relevant reason, the loss of his one true lover, Belle. There relationship broke down when he began to get rich and started to care for his money more than her, so much so in fact she said he had ‘a new idol.’ All these reasons contributed to his changing of character. After all these had happened he became an unfeeling man with a heart of lead. He cared for no one at all and barely cared for himself as well. That shows us how much money ruled his life and how little he cared.

        Now the characters in the book tell us a lot about what they think of Scrooge, and what they know about his backround. The one character with the strongest opinion is Mrs Crachit, who says that she thinks he is an odious, stingy, hard and unfeeling man, which is a pretty strong statement to say about anyone, even Scrooge. However most of the characters agreed with her and that just shows how disliked and unfeeling he was, for them to agree with such a harsh statement. Charles Dickens tells us that everyone tries to avoid him when he’s walking down the street, even beggars tried to avoid as much as possible! The ghost of Christmas future first takes us to the stock market where we meet Scrooge’s fellow businessmen talking about his death. We know they also disliked Scrooge as they say they doubt anyone would go to his funeral and then they say they might go, but only if there is a lunch being served afterwards, shows just how many people disliked him, even fellow businessmen. We find out just how much people disliked him when the ghost of Christmas future takes him to a bazaar just after his death. Here we meet a charwoman, a laundress and an undertaker’s man, each of them are carrying a bundle, which they plan to sell to the bazaar owner. The undertaker’s man goes first and shows his bundle to Joe, the bazaar owner, who finds that it consists of a pencil case, a few seals, a brooch and a pair of shirt cufflinks, to which he gives very little as nothing from his bundle had any extensive value. Next came the laundress who promptly opened her bundle to reveal sheets, towels, two silver teaspoons, a pair of sugar tongs and a few boots, no of this was of much value so it probably came to very little as well. Finally the Charwoman gave her bundle to Joe who looked at the contents in amazement, for it contained his very bed curtains, taken whilst he lay dead on his bed, his blankets, taken right of him whilst he was lying there and his very best shirt, which she had taken of him whilst he was dead! All of these characters have shown us that they really hated Scrooge as they took his own belongings from him, saying that ‘every person has a right to take care of themselves and that he always did’. They knew that he would not be passing his money on to anyone either as he had no friends and therefore no one to leave his fortune or possessions to either. But the mere fact that the charwoman took his blankets, bed curtains and the shirt he was wearing, all whilst he was lying dead on his bed shows just how much they disliked him and cared nothing for him. We know other people agreed with Mrs Crachit as well, such as Caroline and her husband who have just heard of his death. Caroline in fact was very thankful, as it meant there debt had been transferred to someone else, which would take a while. Dickens even says that the house was a much happier place after his death, which just shows how much they disliked him and his ways.

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        However not every body hated him, in fact some people loved him but only before he became how he was. The first person to love him was his little sister Fanny, whom he loved back. She was the one who came and brought him back from the boarding school he so hated, and gave him the love no one had ever given him before. This is why her death so badly affected his opinion on life and changed his views in such a big way. Then the first real lover he had came along and showed him love and affection ...

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