The Red room

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A good short story has to be exciting from the beginning as the writer does not have a lot of time to present his ideas. If the writer can do this from the start he will make the reader want to read on and if this is not done the reader may get board of the short story and not read on. It is important to create tension in the story as well because if he does not do this he may not have time to do it at the end of the story and it may be ruined. It is also important to create suspense as the writer needs to keep the reader reading.

We see good use of tension in "the Monkey's Paw" from the outset as the description of the surroundings are very depressing, "Without, the night was cold and wet..." this already creates tension and gives the impression it is a supernatural story. The writer, W.W. Jacobs, dose not waste time going into detailed descriptions of the characters but still gives us enough description to get a representation of the characters mentality. At the first mention of the monkey's paw the sergeant major hastily replies "nothing...leastways nothing worth hearing" this again creates tension as we do not know what it is and makes the reader want to read on. As the reader reads on and we advance through the story we find the Monkey's Paw is "just a bit of what you might call magic" this makes the story very exciting as more tension is created. It is essential to note the family has to get the sergeant major drunk before he will even consider talking about the monkey's paw but when thy do this and he starts talking about it he describes it just enough so it creates even more tension and suspense and we are left thinking what are the consequences of the paw and will Mr. White take it off the sergeant and even more so will the sergeant give him it? Tension is created because we do not know weather the sergeant does want to keep it or in actual fact does he want to give it away and is the sergeant trying to trick Mr. White into tacking the monkeys paw. More tension is created when the sergeant starts to talk about the paw and he is describing what it does and clarifying what it acutely does and more importantly who has used it before because as we see "...the third was for death." This creates a sense of both tension and suspense. We see the sense of tension because we do not know how he died and if it was because of the monkeys paw. A sense of suspense is created because we still do not know if Mr. White will take the paw and if he does what will his consequences be?
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When we finally see Mr. White has taken the paw we do not know what will happen, we know there will be consequences but what they will be we do not know. This makes the reader want to read on because of the suspense created. The first wish Mr. White makes is "'I wish for two hundred pounds...'" this is not a lot of money today but we see Herbert Mr. Whites son said "'if you only cleared the house, you'd be quite happy, wouldn't you'" this gives us the impression it will pay off the mortgage on ...

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