the role of the nurse and the friar in the lifes of romeo and juliet

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The Role of the Friar and the Nurse in the lives of Romeo and Juliet

In this introduction I am going to be explaining briefly the role of the friar and the nurse in the upbringing and taking care of Romeo and Juliet. The Friar in this play has two roles, one of them being the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Verona, the other being sort of a father figure to Romeo. He also in one sense plays God as he thinks he could make everything alright but in all his schemes only one thing has to go wrong for everything to go wrong. In the nurse’s case  her job was as a nanny who had been looking after Juliet from birth and she is also like the mother figure for Juliet, the nurse knew everything a mother needed to know about her daughter and she always help her when she is in trouble, she was perfect for this role because she was once a mother and when she lost her daughter, Juliet was like her immediate replacement after all the years bringing her up she got to do all those things she did not get to do with her daughter which helped her to gain Juliet’s trust.

        In act 1 scene 3 was the conversation between the nurse and the lady Capulet they were discussing the marriage of Juliet to the county Paris. In this scene Shakespeare reveals the relationship between the nurse and Juliet compared to the relationship between Juliet and her mother lady Capulet. We find out that the nurse is more close to Juliet in a motherly caring way than lady Capulet would be and we also find out the way Juliet talks to lady Capulet to the way she talks to nurse and example of this is when she says “madam I am here what is your will” this is a totally odd mother and daughter relationship has she talks to her in such a formal tone which gives the audience a sense that lady Capulet is not close to her daughter at all. The nurse’s motive for wanting Juliet to marry is that she once had a daughter and she is wishing the best for Juliet like she would do for her own daughter, thus explaining why she speaks to her like she is her own, and by this we can see the have a really truthful and trustworthy relationship.

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        The nurse also helps Romeo as well as Juliet in act 2 scene 4 in this scene she visits Romeo with messages from Juliet. She helps Romeo in this scene by telling him in love for Juliet is a mutual feeling but she also warns him saying “ if ye should lead her in a fools paradise as they say, it were  a gross kind of behavior” meaning he mustn’t raise her hopes up for a false love whereas he is after a sexual relationship. She also tells him not to be unfaithful to her as it would as ...

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