The Signalman

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Chris Burford                                                                     27-10-01 


In the landlady after Billy has left the train station he does not have any verbal contact with any other characters this really highlights the fact that he is alone in an area he doesn’t know, therefore generating emotions of uncertainty, gullibility and isolation. We benefit from this because we don’t feel thrown in at the deep end. The mood is quiet and the area appears as being quite dead; we are given this impression because of the way the buildings are described. We can also assume that it is dark as we are told that it is late.

The Signalman starts with immediate speech  “ halloa below there” and then launches into a stream of description relative to the signal man himself and the basic surroundings “ his figure was foreshortened and shadowed as I made my way into the dark trench” The signalman is considered to be rather peculiar “he could not have doubted from which quarter the voice came” and he still looks around and down the line as if he were expecting it to here it from somewhere else. We are also given an impression of a darkness and gloom by the words such as shadowed, deep, trench, and angry sunset. From the first few words we can almost picture a grave like setting and with the last two “ angry sunset” we can imagine that the place has a dark but red glow that indicates the cutting could perhaps be a passage to hell as hell is associated with the colour red.

The moods of both stories are quite similar in some way but some of the effects are more noticeable in one than in the other such as in the landlady isolation is not as dominant as it s in the signalman as there are houses inclining us to believe that other people are around. The Signalman gives us the impression that no body would be able to see anyone there anyway let alone if they were in a trench. Though the landlady does seem to be more haunting because we can associate it with something a little closer to home, Therefore it strikes us that we never know what goes on behind closed doors even in our own street.

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The start of each passage creates an air of mystery and unawareness that bring down the reader’s defences.  The author uses ideas that put these emotions inside the reader’s head, which is demonstrated mainly by the Landlady because the entire story is based on suspicion and is generally seen as something sinister when it could also be considered to be quite innocent.  The openings also draw the reader into the story so as they become more involved, therefore making the stories appear more shocking as the reader progresses.

Each of the stories is set at night creating a ...

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