The Signalman

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The Signalman

In this essay I am going to explore how Charles Dickens creates the appropriate atmosphere in the short ghost story The Signalman. The story is set in the 1860's in a railroad cutting, this was around the time that trains were coming into use. The story is about a train Signalman, who gets a visit from a man. The man visits the Signalman for a second time and is told that he is troubled by a ghost. On his third visit to the Signalman he finds that he has been killed by a train.

The story is started with the line, "HALLOW! Below there!" This is direct speech. From this line we do not know who is calling or whom they are calling to, this makes the reader ask questions about the story and what is going to happen next. We do know from this line that someone is up high calling down. Later in this paragraph we are told more about where they are, "but instead of looking up to were I stood on top of a steep cutting nearly over his head, he turned himself and looked down the Line." The Narrator finds this behaviour strange. As he says, "One would have thought considering the nature of the ground that he could have not doubted what quarter the voice came from."

Throughout the story we are not told the names of the characters. The Signalman is refereed to as the Signalman. The story is written in first person so the Narrator refers to himself as 'I,' this makes the reader empathise with his feelings, as we find out what happens the same time as he does. We know little about the background of the Narrator, other than he is refereed to as 'Sir' and this shows that he is higher class than the Signalman. Also from the line, "in me he merely saw a man who had been shut up within narrow limits all hi life, and who, being at last set free had a newly awakened interest in these great works." This makes the reader ask more about the past of the Narrator.
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We know more about the background of the Signalman, (as the story is more focused on what is happening to him) "a student of natural philosophy, and had attended lectures, but had run wild, misused his opportunities," from this line we can see that he was once very educated. We also know that the Signalman is extremely dedicated to his job, "in discharge of his duties, I observed him to be remarkably exact and vigilant. This shows that the Signalman has spent a lot of time doing his job, " The Signalman is described as a "dark sallow ...

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