The Heart of the Storm

          I was out in the Mediterranean doing my weekly Sunday fishing trip. It was to leave Gibraltar at seven o’clock in the morning and fish until around three o’clock so I could return home for five o’clock and relax before dinner. So that morning I left at 7 o’clock as usual and it seemed an almost perfect day for fishing with the sun rising behind the misty but humid looking Rock of Gibraltar.

          I set sail out into the Mediterranean enjoying the unusually calm sea for around fifty miles and then I looked to the west, out to sea and saw a silver coloured spot growing larger and larger which meant it was getting nearer and nearer. At first I thought I was seeing things but then I realized what it was. It was a tornado. It suddenly became extremely cold and foggy and at when this happened I collapsed into a heap on the deck of my small fishing boat and nearly fainted, but I caught hold of the frosted metal door handle of the cabin and quickly pulled myself up off the floor and ran into the cabin. I switched on the engine, which had been turned off so that it wouldn’t scare off fish, I slammed the boat into gear and pushed as hard down on the acceleration pedal as I could but then,  heard a abnormally loud bang from the engine, it usually makes a whistle sound when I accelerate, and suddenly I looked back to thinking I would see that the tornado had reached me but, what had actually happened was that engine had exploded. I had the sudden feeling that these were going to be the last moments before I would die.

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          I leant up against one of the tiled walls of the cabin and put my head in my hands praying to God that I would survive and thinking why couldn’t this tornado had come last weekend when, at this time, I was sitting in bed, ill with a stomach virus. When I was in my bed on that day I was feeling extremely upset about not going fishing and I felt great pain from the illness, but, I would rather had been in such a state at this moment than how it actually was. By ...

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