The story of Macbeth, like most of Shakespeare's plays, tells a tale that has a moral lesson attached to it.

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The story of Macbeth, like most of Shakespeare’s plays, tells a tale that has a moral lesson attached to it. Many a great man has fallen prey to greed, ambition, and power. Macbeth is no exception. His ambition to control the power of the thrown confuses his judgement. When a prophecy was revealed to him, that he would indeed gain that power, he was faced with the choice of reason or temptation.

He is a character of powerful contradictions, a man who, for the simple sake of his own ambition, is willing to murder his king and best friend. At the same time, Macbeth has a conscience so strong that the mere thought of his crimes, torments him to no end. As with any of Shakespeare’s work, what we learn from it is up to us as is the way we view the story.

So, is Macbeth a hero or a villain?  

Importantly, the opinions of other characters in the play show that he was a great leader right from the start. “For brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name – disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel, which he smoked with bloody execution...” Here the captain is saying that Macbeth had fought well and deserves his new title; they all believed in him and thought he was a courageous warrior. In contrast to this, a normal soldier of low rank, Ross, says that Macbeth was “Bellona’s bridegroom”, meaning he was comparing Macbeth to the Roman god of war. This made Macbeth look even more powerful and brave.

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Because Macbeth was positioned in such a high place, that everyone trusted him deeply, comments such as “O worthiest cousin” by Duncan; “My noble partner” by Banquo; and “O valiant cousin, worthy gentleman” by Duncan, just reinforced this notion by showing just how trust-worthy and respected he was. He even says himself that “I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people,” which means that a whole variety of people from different backgrounds have praised him for what he has done.

His wife, Lady Macbeth, who has been well informed of what the witches said, knows him ...

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