The Supernatural and the witches

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           The super natural and the witches
 The story of Macbeth, like most of Shakespeare's plays, tells a story that has a moral lesson attached to it. Macbeth was essentially a man who craved power but even when a prophecy was revealed that he would gain, Macbeth still wasn’t truly satisfied. Instead, he went to great lengths to ensure that his power lasted longer than it should have. He submitted to the evil whims and plans of his wife, Lady Macbeth, and put himself in a position that destroyed his self respect, ruined his pride, degraded his honour, and spoiled his integrity.

For my essay I have decided to base it on the witches and the super natural things, which take part in the book “Macbeth”

One will always notice the many influences that Macbeth encounters before his downfall. Each one of these may have had some bit of impact on the final outcome. The three most popular causes of the tragedy of Macbeth are the main character’s ambition, the witches’ prophecies, and Lady Macbeth’s influence over Macbeth. in this case, it is obvious that there was some other force behind him that helped him to change from a respectable, trustworthy man, to a deceiving murderer. In his encounters with the witches, Mabeth was introduced to that fact that he could have more power, and in hearing what he had to do to earn it, he was scared. However, with the witches making this power sound so grand, he was eventually convinced that his dignity was no longer essential. The witches, therefore, were what caused the legacy of Macbeth as a heroic individual to lead to his ultimate death and destruction.

At the very beginning of the play it clearly shows that the three witches can foretell the future.  They come into the play in the first scene during a horrendous storm and they have foreseen the visit that Macbeth is going to pay them.  During Macbeths visit all three witches spoke in rhyme as if they were putting some sort of spell on him for example  “When the hurly-burly’s done, when the battle’s lost and won” They also give Macbeth a prediction, they did this because they knew it would encourage Macbeth to kill because they knew how ambitious he was and what lengths he would go to become king.

At the end of the first scene it tells me that the witches have opposite values to us “fair is foul and fouls is fair” meaning good is bad and bad is good.

The witches are very evil and vengeful.  I know this because they send a sailor out to sea in a constant thunderstorm for several months.  They do this because the sailor’s wife would not give them one of her many chestnuts. “A sailor’s wife had chestnuts in her lap, and munched, and munched, and munched, and munched”.  Give me” quoth I: “Aroint thee, witch!” the rump-fed ronyon cries.  Her husbands to Aleppo gone, master O’ the tiger:  But in a sieve I’ll thither sail, and, like, a rat without a tail I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do.  The quote explains why and how the witches gave such a terrible punishment.

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The witches are described as not looking like typical women.  They are very ugly, old and they have beards.  Obviously your typical woman would not have a beard.  I know this due to the fact Banquo said to the witches “live you? Or are you aught?”  This tells me that the witches are very old.  Banquo said to the witches “you should be women, and yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so” Clearly this shows that the witches have beards

The witches’ prediction was correct; Macbeth did ultimately murder Duncan and his guards.
   He murdered the ...

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