The Tale of Bluebeard and His Many Wives.

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The Tale of Bluebeard and His Many Wives There was a man who had fine houses, both in town and country, a deal of silver and gold plate, embroidered furniture, and coaches covered all over with gold. But this man was so unlucky as to have a blue beard, which made him so frightfully ugly that all the women and girls ran away from him. One of his neighbors, a lady of quality, had two daughters who were perfect beauties. He desired one of them in marriage. Neither of them would have him, and sent him backward and forward from one another, not being able to bear the thought of marrying a man who had a blue beard and besides that was his having already been married to many wives, and nobody ever knew what became of them. Bluebeard to engage their affection took them, to one of his country homes where they stayed a whole week. Everything worked out so well that the youngest daughter began to think that Bluebeard was a very civil gentleman. As soon as they got home, the marriage was concluded. About a month after, Bluebeard told his wife that he was obliged to take a business trip for six weeks at least. "Here," he said, "are the keys of the two great rooms where I have my best furniture;
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these open my safe, which hold my money, both gold and silver; these my boxes of jewels; and this is the master-key to all my rooms. But for this little one here, it is the key of the closet at the end of the great hall on the bottom floor. Open them all; go into every one of them, except that little closet, which I forbid you, and forbid it in such a manner that, if you open it, there will be a severe consequence. She promised to obey, very exactly, whatever he had ordered when after having said this, ...

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