The Trial Scene in "The Merchant of Venice".

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The Trial Scene in “The Merchant of Venice”

“The Merchant of Venice” was written by William Shakespeare almost certainly between 1596 and 1598 and was first performed at the Rose Theatre, London, in 1597. The play is classed as one of the sixteen comedy plays but it is also a “problem” play due to the tragic elements woven throughout the intricate plot. It was performed in front of a xenophobic, Elizabethan audience who were not particularly well educated or literate but they understood the complexities of the issues being raised in the play and would have been less sympathetic towards Shylock than a modern audience. The play is set in Venice, an ancient civic republic and not a nation ruled by a King or Queen. Venice fascinated the Elizabethans, as it was commercially hospitable to people from all parts of the world such as Greeks, Jews and Protestants. The city was also a trading centre of great importance; Venice itself was a Catholic city and was politically independent. A place of great beauty, luxury and extremely artistic, it is the perfect setting for “The Merchant of Venice”.

The play centres on two main characters, Antonio, an extremely wealthy merchant and Shylock, a very wealthy Jew. In Venice, at this time a character’s word was his bond. A promise made by word of mouth was the same as having an agreement in writing, you had to keep your word or pay the consequences. The character of Shylock is a usurer, a person who lends sums of money, charging vast amounts of interest. However, Antonio is a character who also lends money, but without the interest. This is one of the reasons why Shylock hates Antonio with a vengeance. Shylock also hates Antonio for the differences in their lifestyles and religions- “I hate him for he is a Christian” Shylock has agreed to lend a sum of money to Antonio. Shylock as agreed to lend a sum of money to Antonio but Shylock insists that if his money is not returned within a designated period of time, with the added interest, he will be entitled to cut exactly one pound of flesh from Antonio’s body. When the abuse of the Jew as usurer is combined with the Christian religious bias that marked Elizabethan England the result is a natural demonization of the Jew. This demonization portrays the image of Shylock as a wanton murderer. In Elizabethan times, this corruption of the Jewish religion was of course perfectly acceptable. Jews were often subjected to public humiliation- “Laughed at my losses…mocked at my gains” To live a fairly peaceful life, many Jews hid behind the veil of Christianity. The bond between Shylock and Antonio forms the dramatic climax of the play, which although is not the final scene.

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One of the reasons Act 4 Scene 1 is so dramatically effective is the tension created by the stage directions. Antonio is seated and Shylock is standing before the duke. In a Venetian court of justice, the accused is standing with the accuser seated; therefore Shakespeare has deliberately staged an inversion in the judicial procedure, giving the impression that Shylock is the one on trial when in fact it is Antonio. At the beginning of the scene, a sense of injustice is introduced due to the emotive language used -“Poor merchant’s flesh” to remind the jury that Antonio has suffered ...

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