The Virtues of Love and Hope.

Authors Avatar by vem92 (student)


One of the essential rules for living is to LOVE yourself. It is something you and I must have which is constant in all that changes in life. God is love, and love is the essence of our being, the goodness in our hearts. It has been my guiding light in this changing world since I can only give from what I have (self-love). Being able to love God above everything makes it possible for me to love others as I love myself. The love within me compels me to reach out to others and I am able to transcend hatred, fear and suffering and create peace, joy and harmony. My experiences with other people challenge me a lot for there are really times that conflict may arise and this is where my power to love is put to test. It’s hard to fight anger but having a firm foundation to love enables me to forgive, care, understand and be united as much as possible to the people around me. And above everything else, with love and with love alone, I am able to sacrifice for others.

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        HOPE as well has been my guiding light in this life full of ups and downs. It makes my journey lighter as I shift my focus from my hardships to my goals. Every time an unfortunate thing happens to me such as losing something important or having difficulties in my school projects, I can’t help but feel sad and it’s just so overwhelming that I feel so frustrated and full of despair as time goes by. After moments of crying and contemplating, I then try to shift my thoughts to more positive ones. It may not be easy to do ...

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