The Women in 'My Last Duchess' and 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci' Represent Two Very Different Kinds of Personality. Through a Comparison of Both Poems, Explain What These Differences are and What Effect the Women Have on the Men Around Them.

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Ellen Adams 11ZA2

The Women in 'My Last Duchess' and 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci' Represent Two Very Different Kinds of Personality. Through a Comparison of Both Poems, Explain What These Differences are and What Effect the Women Have on the Men Around Them.

Although two very different poems, there are many similarities as well as differences between 'My Last Duchess' and 'La Belle Dame Sans Merci'. In this essay I am going to compare and contrast the two poems written by Robert Browning (My last Duchess) and John Keats (La belle dame sans merci). I am also going to examine what affect they have upon their lovers and the men around them.

There are many noticeable differences between the Duchess and the Belle Dame. Firstly, they both have very different kinds of personality. The Duchess tends to be quite sweet and unprovoking. She is also very unaware of the feelings she generates between her and other

men :- 'The bough of cherries some officious fool broke in the orchard for her'. The Duke, to whom she is married to in this case seems to think she is flirtatious in this respect, however, Browning shows us that, although that may seem the case, she is so naïve that she doesn't realise she is doing that.

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The character of La Belle Dame is very different. She is very mysterious and powerful. This gives the impression that she may not be real and could, in fact be a fairy. As well as having this powerful side, the woman, or 'faery' as she is called, seems very sinister and inconsiderate. It seems as if she is bewitching any man she finds, under the spell of her desire for a short romance, costing them their life.

However, as well as having differences in character, they both have similarities with one another. They are both young and beautiful ...

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