Theme of Land - Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry

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Mildred D. Taylor’s novel ‘Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry’, is set in Mississippi, a white-dominated society. The Logans were indefatigably fighting to stand up for, and enforce their fundamental rights.

This area’s main source of income was agriculture, and for agriculture you need land. Most blacks were too poor to own land, and hence share-cropped on white land, which left them very dependent on the whites. The complete control over their lives coerced them to subjugate to the whites and silently bear the all the injustice iniquitously meted out to them. It was arduous to defend one’s rights when you lived in constant fear of having your source of livelihood being cut, or even dire consequences. Hence, for the Logans, the land was a source of pride, their only possession that kept them independent of the whites, and gave them the courage to fight for their rights and challenge the whites. In a society where the reminiscence of slavery is still strong, land is a symbol of independence and self-sufficiency. Throughout the book, they repeat the same refrain, “We won’t lose the land”.

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Even though they didn’t have enough money to pay taxes, mortgage, and live on too, they strived to make ends meet for the sake of their land. David Logan went away from home, to set tracks in Louisiana. Mary Logan taught in school. All the children, Big Ma, and Mama worked very hard picking cotton, despite their odd ages. They had to toil hard, and economize on whatever little they had. Nevertheless, they continued to shed sweat, tears and blood for the land, to maintain their independency. “ Look out there, Cassie girl, all that belongs to you. … long ...

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