this essay I will be writing about the many different ways in which Act 3 Scene 5 is significant to the rest of the play.

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In what ways in Act 3 Scene 5 from “Romeo and Juliet” significant to the rest of the play?

‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a play written at the end of the 16th century by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic play about love and its effects. Romeo and Juliet are a pair of “star crossed lovers” coming from two rival families who have always fought against each other. It is set in Verona and tells a story of “Two households both alike in dignity” from which two people fall in love. The play displays tragic irony throughout. Romeo and Juliet become secret lovers because the continuous rivalry between their parents would otherwise stop them from meeting.

In this essay I will be writing about the many different ways in which Act 3 Scene 5 is significant to the rest of the play.

This scene, known as the second balcony scene, is of dramatic importance and contains various moods ranging from the poetry of lovers to the fury of Juliet’s father. It is the day after they got married and it is also the last time they will see each other alive.

Throughout Act 3 Scene 5 the audience feels sympathy towards Juliet because of the way she is treated by her parents. They treat her with no respect or understanding throughout the scene as they both show cruelty at her refusal to marry another. Juliet makes a logical and heartfelt decision that her loyalty and love for Romeo must be her priority as her family and friends have disowned her. Juliet then cuts herself loose from her friends, family and her social position in Verona in order to try and reunite with Romeo.

At the beginning of Act 3 Scene 5 Romeo and Juliet are together in the morning after spending the night together after their wedding. Romeo is risking death by being at the Capulet house as he has been previously banished from Verona for the murder of Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin. Juliet stalls for time trying to convince him that it is still nighttime, by saying she has heard a nightingale sing. ‘Whilt thou be gone? It is not yet day :it was the nightingale, and not the lark, that pierced the hollow of thine ear’.  Shakespeare uses very emotional language and creates tension between the lovers throughout the scene as they realize they must part very soon. He compares each character to certain things. “Do you lace the several clouds in yonder east,” Romeo says as he compares Juliet to the sun while Juliet compares him to the moon and stars. This language that Shakespeare uses is very clever because it shows that Romeo and Juliet really care for each other as they compare each other to bright things. It is not easy for them to say goodbye, because they do not know when they will see each other again. The tragedy is that they will never again see each other alive. Shakespeare uses imagery to convey emotions and feelings as Juliet is compared with water and the sea as she is crying. “Thou counterfeits a bark, a sea, a wind: For still thy eyes, which I may call the sea”, shows Shakespeare’s use of imagery to represent Juliet’s emotions.

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Romeo offers to stay and die to prove his love, but Juliet says he must leave. She is upset and sad as she thinks that they may never meet again. You feel sorry and frustrated for Juliet because she has an image of Romeo ‘dead in the bottom of a tomb’. This is a premonition that Romeo will die and tells the audience the play is about fate. This is ironic as he does die. This is linked to fate because Romeo and Juliet are “star cross lovers” so whatever happens to them they can do nothing about it ...

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