Tina walked into the empty room.

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Tina walked into the empty room, the train ticket held firmly in her hand. As she sat down on one of the brown, spongy chairs in the far corner she looked indecisively at the piece of card in her hand. It was amazing to think this little 10cm by 5cm printed ticket could change her life. It could either take her back home to Bristol, and her parents, or it could take her to London, back to her boyfriend Nicky and her drug addiction. Coming off the drugs had not been easy, but after she had been in hospital for three weeks she knew it was time for something to be done. She had gone to the train station and bought a ticket that would take her to either end of the line. Bristol or London. Parents or Nicky. Hassle or freedom. Comfort or slums. It was so hard to choose.

She heard the whining creak of the door as it opened and someone stumbled in. He looked like a commuter, with that fatigued look that said he had been squashed on a train for hours and was dying to get home to his devoted wife and 2.4 children. He caught her staring at him and she blushed and looked away. She looked at the conventional clock on the aged wall, once magnolia, now a delicate shade of grey, and saw that it was only just past five. Her train was not due for another hour nearly. She looked back at the man. He appeared to have dozed off over his briefcase. His face was littered with the fine lines of ageing, and his chin bore an evening shadow. His hair was dark brown, with a diaphanous grey sheen to it, and it was receding way into his forehead. His nose was a little off centre, with a bump on it that spoke of a breakage in his youth. Just below his nose was his pale red mouth. It was a heart shape, with darker lines running through it. His shoulders were broad and although his figure was athletic, there was a definite softening to the waistline that spoke of one too many business lunches under his belt. His suit, once crisp and sharply pressed, was a crumpled heap over his creased white shirt and bare neck. Tina looked at his blazer pocket and saw the edge of a blue and red striped tie hanging out, obviously taken off at the start of his long journey home from the big city. The man stirred and suddenly opened his ice-blue eyes. He looked at his watch, gave a yell of annoyance and ran onto the platform outside, just catching the train that was about to leave.

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Still looking out of the window, Tina noticed that it had started to rain, the heavy grey clouds that had been clogging up the skies all day finally opened. With the rain came the wind and the chill of it came in through an open window. Tina got up to shut it and stood in some chewing gum. Exasperatedly, she hopped over to the window and shut it and sat back down again, and began the long and boring process of picking off the gum with her nail file. Just as she had started doing this, another three people entered ...

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