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Start scene in a brightly lit living room with 2 sofas. A large T.V in the corner of the room is set to BBC 1 Evening news. Only Jack a 15 year old and Caron 40 years old are home with Jacks friend Vicky. Caron is Jacks mum, Vicky is his best friend also 15

Caron: Jack have you done the washing up?

Jack: No, I will do it after Vicky goes home.

Vicky: Don’t let me stop you I could give you a hand if you like me to?

Jack: No its o.k. I will do it later you’re a guest!

Caron: He basically means he can’t be bothered to do it now!

Vicky: (laughs) Yer I know

Jack: Fine gang up on me (sulks)

Caron: We’re only kidding love you’re just a typical guy that’s all

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Jack: You always gang up on me you two it’s not fair I’m the only boy when dads at work

Vicky: Stop complaining you love it really.

Jack: (sarcastically) Yes your right actually I love been ganged up on by two girls. When’s dad home?

Caron: Actually he should have been home twenty minutes ago I wonder where he’s got to

Jack: The pub more than likely

Caron: That’s not very nice he is trying to sort out his problem it’s hard for him you know!

Jack: Yer well it’s his own ...

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