To compare the attitudes shown in "The Man He Killed" By Tomas Hardy and in "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning

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Ben Garnett         Mrs Bishop         English Page  of

To compare the attitudes shown in “The Man He Killed” By Tomas Hardy and in “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning  

The attitudes shown in the two poems “The Man he Killed”  by Tomas Hardy and “My Last Duchess”  Robert by Browning are very different; where as Hardy creates a modest, baffled character who feels very guilty, Browning’s Duke is a vain, proud man who has killed his wife in a premeditated manner. These characteristics are also revealed through the poet’s use of stanza, structure and language choices.  

Both of the poems are about killing In the Man He Killed the solider feels very guilty for his actions; this is evident when he says;

“I shot him dead because-

Because he was my he was my foe,

Just so – my foe of coarse he was;

That’s clear enough; although.”

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His guilt is evident because he is questioning his actions; this is reinforced by the repetition of the word ‘foe’. Also the use of the words ‘That’s clear enough…’ where he is trying to reassure himself, about his actions.

My Last Duchess The duke does not feel guilty for his actions; this is evident when he says;

                        “I gave commands;

                Then all smiles stopped together.”

His lack of guilt is evident because he is giving commands to someone to kill his wife; and he is not showing any regret or sadness. Therefore the two characters feel very ...

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