To Kill a Mockingbird creative writing - Dill and I were so excited to go inside to watch Atticus, but Jem was right

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Dill and I were so excited to go inside to watch Atticus, but Jem was right, we should wait for a little longer then sneak in behind everyone because Atticus might not like it if he sees us. But there were so many people here that have come from all over the county, they camped out in the town square had lunch, I was worried what if there are no seats left. Everyone was there except for Miss Maudie, she said that “’t’s morbid, watching a poor devil on trial for his life.”  

After a short wait most of the people had gone in; and I figured we could sneak in now. I couldn’t believe how many people were there, I knew there was many people coming but not to such a massive amount. The first floor was packed, the seats were all taken and there were people even piling in the hallway. After being overwhelmed about how many people were actually there, I became separated from Jem and Dill. But I was fine I wasn’t scared at all, I figured if I went over to the wall by the stairwell Jem would start searching for me and find me soon enough. On my way over to the wall I had to walk through the Idler’s club, so I made myself as discreet as possible while walking through them. Atticus had told me before that they were the attentive critics of the courtroom business; they knew as much law as the chief justice through many years of observation. While I kept my head low I could hear them talking about Atticus, this didn’t bother me much, but what I did find strange was that Atticus hadn’t told me these things; they said: “you know the court appointed him to defend the nigger.” I found quite unusual that Atticus hadn’t told us about this.

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The group began to tell off some coloured people for going up stairs, as they went after the people they ran into Jem and Dill who were coming down the stairs to look for me. Once they saw me they called out to me explaining that there were no seats left, I was so disappointed. I didn’t do anything wrong and Jem started blaming it on me that we had to stand to the Reverend, that was so unfair. But Reverend Sykes was really nice he told us to come up stairs and see if he could find something ...

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