To Kill a Mockingbird: How Harper Lee presents the character of Atticus Finch

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To Kill a Mockingbird was a book written in 1960 to portray the corruption in the USA’s southern states specifically the state of Alabama. The book is a microcosm reflecting a wider range of thought in America in the 1960’s. The book is a ‘Bildungsroman’, it follows a girl called Scout Finch who tells us about growing up in Maycomb county, a fictional county in Alabama. A ‘Bildungsroman’ is usually a book written in an autobiographical style and follows a specific characters rite of passage. The book is told in circular narrative the author Lee uses this to emphasise certain themes throughout the book. The book is told from a mature Scout’s perspective describing her life’s events. In this essay I will further discuss how Lee represents Maycomb County and discuss the methods and techniques used by Harper Lee to present the character of Atticus Finch.

Arguably the most important aspect of Atticus is his maxim. His maxim is that if you attempt to stand in another’s shoes you will be able to understand their point of view, this eventually leads on to appreciation and tolerance rather than prejudice and discrimination. “Atticus, when they finally saw him... he was real nice.”This quote shows that Scout realises when you get to know people without judging them beforehand they are nice people. This is also shown when the children discover Arthur Radley is a normal person the prejudice they had against him prior dies.  Atticus repeats this lesson and demonstrates it when he teaches them to sympathize with Mrs Dubose and the Ewells.  We learn that Scout has learnt this life lesson when she sympathises with Mayell Ewell’s loneliness during the trial; Atticus not only teaches this lesson to his children but likewise uses this technique with the white jury trying to make them stand in Tom Robinsons shoes.

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Atticus is a single parent of Jem and Scout who has morals and a good conscience. He can be described as an “American Hero” as his major role in the book was to defend an innocent black man accused of rape. He shows courage in many different ways throughout the book. He chooses to defend Tom Robinson who had been accused of rape and was clearly innocent; he knows Tom will be trialled guilty prior to the court hearing but still fights for what he believes in, even though it puts his family at risk in society.  “For a number of reasons. ...

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A good essay which is fluently written for the most part and uses quotes effectively to support arguments. Shows understanding of novel and the themes Harper Lee is exploring.Some accurate use of terminology and perceptive analysis. No topic sentence and though the penultimate paragraphs raise interesting ideas the essay needs to remain focused on the question ****