To review the historical background and to look at the characters in Of Mice And Men.

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Aim: To review the historical background and to look at the characters in Of Mice And Men.

The author of this novel was John Steinback and he was born in California. This region is the setting of his fiction.

-Steinback worked on farms and also ranches during his vacations from school and he wrote ‘Of Mice and Men’ in 1937.

-The great depression in October caused the stock market to collapse and poor government policies led to uneven prosperity. The supply of agricultural products was greater than the demand. There was also job loses and a lack of food.

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Steinback has set the scene beautifully and it is as if he is giving directions to a painter a good example is when he describes the clearing by the pool in the river e.g. water twinkles and extensive use of colour.

Against this background ranch hands like George and Lennie were lucky to at least have work the pay was very low nevertheless they were happy to have just a bunk-house to live in and have food provided.

At the beginning the arrival of George and Lennie disturbs the tranquil atmosphere the two men are described and contrasted and ...

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