To some people the 1960's were the best of times, to others it was a period when many things went wrong in society. Why do people have such different ideas about the 1960's.

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To some people the 1960's were the best of times, to others it

was a period when many things went wrong in society. Why

do people have such different ideas about the 1960's

Melanie Thody 10 Ru

People have very different views about the sixties. Some feel it was the of times like Joanna Lumley and Roy Jenkins. However, others see it as a period when things went wrong with society like Malcolm Muggeridge and Chesterton. A lot of people in the sixties had been brought up to respect the church, politics ad the monarchy all of which now suddenly became targets for satire. The class system was almost completely abolished as well which a lot of people didn't like. An awful lot of morals had been thrown out of the window as well. So for some this is just exactly what they wanted to happen and for some this was their worse nightmare. The sixties were split into two groups one was the young and the other were the middle aged.

Satire means to make fun of people's ideas and is often seen as the lowest form of humour but is also a very funny form of humour. Satire was being used for entertainment for the first time and it was everywhere on the television with programmes like tw3, on the radio and there was even a magazine started called 'Private Eye' which is still today still going. A lot of people thought that making fun of politics was good for the politicians though because then they got to see them when they were standing up for themselves what kind of real personality they had. But a lot of people thought it was cruel and rude to make fun of someone that ran the country.
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There were new laws passed in the 60's which made times better it was made legal to bet and gamble, the death penalty was abolished, abortion was legalised, homosexuality acts were passed which made it legal for two consenting adults over the age of 21 and it was also made easier for people to get divorced. For a lot of people these new laws are what they had waited a long time for, for others they thought it was the complete collapse of British society. They thought that it was morally wrong and that their Christian and own ...

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