To what extent can thethree female characters in Bram Stoker's "Dracula" be compared to thetraditi

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To what extent can the three female characters in Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” be compared to the traditional Victorian ideal?

Having studied Bram Stoker’s Dracula as part of my GCSE English Course, I am going to consider the representation of women in the novel. The three main characters I will study are Mina, Lucy, and the three female vampires (belonging to Dracula). I am going to consider the similarities and differences of each character, and how well they compare to traditional Victorian women. I will support my answers with quotes and evidence.

During the early twentieth century, the traditional Victorian ideal would be a lady of leisure. A Victorian woman effectively had only two options: she was either a virgin- a model of purity and innocence, or she was to be a wife and produce an heir. If she was neither these, not only would men not take any interest in her, but also she had no consequence in society. Women had to run the household and obey their husbands, not only them, but to treat all men with respect. Moral behaviour, and a feminine appearance were also aspects of a traditional Victorian ideal. As well as this, Victorian women were expected to be obedient and virtuous.

However, in the late 1800’s the Victorian ideal was being challenged, which better became known as the ‘New Woman’. These new women were to be considered the feminists of the time, they rejected clothing that restricted their movement, like corsets and petticoats, and others even took to riding bicycles. All of these matters evolved into being a threat for the traditional way of Victorian life.    

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        In Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula’, Mina measures up fairly well as a traditional Victorian woman. She has a good extent of tradition, and she matches the acquirements well. Mina is beneath veneer of modernity; she is wealthy and therefore shows signs of financial independence. She also stands as a model of domestic propriety, an assistant schoolmistress whose duty involves machines like the typewriter. This is important, because it shows us that she is a virtuous person, and it also shows us her stability; as holding the job as an assistant schoolmistress isn't something that every Victorian woman was thought capable ...

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A very good essay, well written and logically structured. Some perceptive and insightful comments are made but at times would have benefited greatly from more textual references. Good use of topic sentences and social and historical references. ****