To What Extent is Lady Macbeth a ‘fiend like queen’?

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To What Extent is Lady Macbeth a ‘fiend like queen’?


        To understand this question we must first understand the meaning of fiend, the dictionary definition of this word is:

Fiend: a devil: one actuated by the most intense wickedness or hate: an addict: a devotee

        With this as a guide we can relate to what is in the play, and where Lady Macbeth speaks we can match it against what she means with these words, this will be able to answer our main question and be able to back with discussion. The theme of the play is ambition, murder and love.

        We first look at Act one and the last three scenes five, six and seven, this is where the Lady is introduced and starts to play her role. We can see in the first of these scenes straight away, show her strength, she receives a letter about how her husband has been confronted by the three witches and told of how that they “hail, king shalt be!” she talks to herself saying “Glamis thou art, and cawdor; and shalt be what thou art promised” from this we can see how much she wants her husband to be in power, because she knows with this she will become stronger and more powerful with it, she is ambitious and very focused in these first few thoughts.

        As the messenger enters and then leaves leaving the news of “the king comes here tonight” begins to make the lady think some more, she tells herself “the raven himself is hoarse” making us think that she is a nasty piece of work, black and evil. She knows this is the perfect place for power to come to her and her husband, she feels this is the “fatal entrance of Duncan” she thinks with her power and her mental strength he will not leave here alive and they will gain control of everything. In her castle is where she can work best “ under her battlements” is where they gain this power, for this she need to loose all of a woman’s thoughts and feelings, she prays to the spirits:

“to unsex me here, and fill with me

the crown to the toe top full

of direst cruelty; make thick my blood”

        The audience, at this point can see her thoughts, and realise that a plot to kill the king is being  hatched and that Lady Macbeth will do everything in her power to make this succeed.

        In scene six the king enters Macbeth’s castle and is taken under this beautiful and protruding lady of innocence, she tells the king “ in every point twice done, and then double done”, saying she has made this castle his home and made sure everything is right for him. But Duncan is more interested in Macbeth himself and asks, “where’s the thane of cawdor” but still makes comment of the lady’s hospitality. He then again praises the Lady

“give me your hand conduct to mine host

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we love him highly, and shall continue our

graces towards him. By your leave, hostess”

        She is a good actor and lured the king into a false sense of security, he now thinks everything is perfect and he is in the most safe and capable hands he can be in. As of course his right hand man Macbeth will stand by his side.

        Scene seven is a key turning point; this is where Lady Macbeth is at her best and her strongest. This is also the stage where the control and power of the Lady is all ...

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