Tony Kytes: who cheated whom?

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Sasha Hunt

Tony Kytes: who cheated whom?

Tony Kytes is engaged to be married to Milly Richards, but on his way home he meets up with two more young ladies who both happen to be passed lovers. They bare both stunning and have different qualities. The two women are Hannah Jolliver and Unity Sallet.

 He firstly meets Unity and she asks him about his engagement, he reacts to this with the impression that he doesn’t want to marry Milly; she is thrilled by the idea. Still driving along they came across Milly on the road so Tony asks Unity to hide in the back so he doesn’t get caught. Milly then gets on the cart and they keep going, until they meet Hannah. Yet again to save himself he gets Milly to hide.

 In the end he gets found out but Milly still wants to marry Tony even though she appears third choice.

Unity Sallet is a very forward and big headed “will you give me a lift home?” she is also flirtatious woman who tries to persuade Tony that she is better looking than Milly. She greets Tony with a warm invitation, “My dear Tony.” Unity does not want Tony to marry Milly so she criticizes her and flatters herself, “I should have made ‘ee a finer wife”

Unity likes to put Tony on the spot by using reverse psychology, “can you say I’m not pretty,” knowing that he will not want to upset her by disagreeing with her. When Tony asks unity to marry him she turns him down because she knows that he licked Hannah more, although if he would of asked her first she would of said yes. She behaved rather shocked and upset. She put across like she didn’t care when really she does.

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 Unity deceives herself because she falls for Tony, but also she deceives him because she doubts his mind about marring Milly, if she really cared about Milly’s feelings she would not have asked for a lift in the first place.

Milly is a weak-minded girl she falls for Tony in the first place, but she is desperate for Tony. She is frightened of loosing him. She is stupid for getting under the sacks “I don’t mind to oblige you” Milly went under the sacks because Tony asks her too. She does this, as she loves Tony. Milly has every right ...

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