Twelfth Night Essay

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Nothing is as at it seems in ‘Twelfth Night ‘. Discuss the dramatic irony which arises from disguise and mistaken identity in this play.

Zain Tahir

Twelfth Night refers to the twelve days after Christmas. These twelve days were a time of fun. A sort of surreal world was created during these twelve days, disguise and trickery was in rife during this period. It was done to show the underdogs where true power lay. The twelfth night (6th January) marked the end of the Christmas period as the decorations were taken down. This day was filled with sadness as it was back to your normal routine from tomorrow. The comical events that take place during this period are reflected in the events of the play.

Shakespeare’s Illyria is a land of make-believe and Illusions. It is a land where happiness is possible and anything can happen but in the end the result would be joyous. Illyria is a world of disguise and mistaken identity. Common sense is mocked but even though Illyria seems to be an untrustful place it is secure. As a brother and sister reunite and lover marry.

Shakespeare’s Theatre was very different from the theatre of today. First of all they didn’t have artificial lighting so they didn’t have a roof in order to illuminate the stage. This meant that everyone was equally illuminated including the crowd unlike use of spot light in modern theatre. Also the behaviour of the people during the time was different, they would talk, drink, eat , trade and sometimes if they found the production boring they would throw food at the actors. The crowd also stood right up to the stage unlike today where the audience is seated. This combined with the fact that the actors and the audience clothes didn’t differ that much it made it very hard for the actors to concentrate. Due to this Shakespeare used dramatic irony such as the irony in this play to keep the audience’s attention on the stage and not what’s going around them.

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The dramatic irony that arises from Viola’s disguise has huge effect. First of all in Elizabethan women weren’t allowed to perform in at theatre. Therefore men had to play women roles. So in Twelfth Night the role of Viola is being played by a man who is disguised as a woman who is disguised as a man. This would have really caught the audience’s attention. The appearances in the play are deceptive and the audience knew this would have made it more humorous for the audience. “Then think you right. I am not what I am” Viola speaking to Olivia. ...

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