Using Act 3 Scene V as a Focus Examine The Role of Lord Capulet in Romeo and Juliet

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Using Act 3 Scene V as a Focus Examine The Role of Lord Capulet in Romeo and Juliet

In the early scenes Lord Capulet was shown as the head of his family and although elderly wanting to keep the feud between his family and the Montagues going. The prologue tells us that the feud was "an ancient grudge" but no one seemed to remember how the feud began. As a father, in Act 1 scene 2, he was initially unusually kind and understanding of the feelings of his daughter Juliet , but later in Act 3 scene V we see a different much tougher side to him when he insists his daughter obeys him or be disowned. This tough treatment of his daughter probably led to the tragedy of the play and the suicide of his daughter.

Lord Capulet is from a noble household , rich and respected and his position in society explains some of his actions. We know he is elderly because his wife says in Act 1 scene 1 when he calls for a sword " a crutch, a crutch; why call you for a sword ?" This tells us that she is realistic about his age and health and knows he should not take part in a fight. As the speech was said in a mocking tone she was laughing at her husband rather than being frightened for him. The marriage is obviously not a love match and she probably finds being married to an older man unsatisfactory. Not only is Capulet's relationship with his wife distant, because she is much younger than him, less than thirty, which we know because she says in Act 1 scene 3 that she was younger than Juliet when she gave birth to her but they obviously do not discuss with each other their daughter's needs or feelings about their plans to marry her to Paris.
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To audiences in 21st century England arranging a marriage for a daughter, especially one who is only thirteen is quite shocking but it was normal for a man to do this in Shakespeare's time. Most of the behaviour Shakespeare gives to Capulet would have been accepted as normal by an audience when it was first performed and it seems shocking to us mainly because times have changed and everyone has more individual freedom today.

From the beginning of the play we see that Lord Capulet has very changeable moods and it is difficult to predict how he ...

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