Violence solves nothing. is the protesters universal refrain. Nonsense! Violence gave America its independence

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Pacifist! Why do they hate violence? Pacifist needs to understand seven facts:

1. There will always be bad people.

2. Bad people don't care about hurting good people. Appeals to shame, empathy and guilt don't work on them. That's why they're bad people.

3. Bad people respond to force. They don't like it and will change their behaviour to avoid it.

4. Good people need to use force to stop the bad people from hurting other good people.

5. It’s not the same when a good person uses force to stop a bad person as when the bad person uses it to harm a good person.

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6. Not letting good people use force against bad people encourages more bad behaviours.

7. Good people using force against bad people should be encouraged. This will make the world a better place.

          “Violence solves nothing.” is the protesters’ universal refrain. Nonsense! Violence gave America its independence; violence saved the union and freed the slaves; violence helped stop Hitler killing the rest of Europe’s Jews. So is the refrain “violence solves nothing” true.

             I hate pacifism for the same reason that I hate communism; it's ...

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