We have been comparing 'Lamb to the slaughter' author Roald Dahl, and 'The Withered Arm' author Thomas Hardy. In this essay I will be talking about and comparing roles of women, power and control in the two stories.

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Rajeet Bhumber

English GCSE coursework

Wider reading

        In class I have been studying wider reading. I have read and studied two short stories. These were ‘Lamb  to the slaughter’ author Roald Dahl, and ‘The Withered Arm’ author Thomas Hardy. In this essay I will be talking about and comparing roles of women, power and control in the two stories, and to a lesser extent the relationships these women have. The two stories are different from each other, but similar in some ways. They both show women as having the role of a traditional housewife. Cooking, cleaning, and tending to their husbands whenever they can. They both show women in the home, and to a certain extent, they show the control and power a husband has, and just generally, that men have.

Both these stories show the way that society has dictated the roles of men and women within a relationship. The women is almost always seen as the inferior partner, who has less worth than her husband. This is shown in both stories, but in very different ways. This attitude has changed now in our modern world. Now women want to be free-spirited, independent, and not tend to their husbands every beck and call. Men have also embraced this ‘new’ type of woman over the years. In society now this is often favoured by men. But these two stories were set before that time, and attitudes then were as I have outlined above as the woman being the inferior partner in the relationship.

        In Lamb to the Slaughter this is shown by Mary Maloney waiting for her husband to come home, anticipating it because it is the highlight of her day. This means that she loves him, but also a dictated role by society.  

        In The Withered Arm this is shown by farmer Lodges young wife Gertrude. She is expected to follow her husband, do what he says, and serve him. Since she is much younger than he is, and since farmer Lodge only really married her for her beauty and youth, she was always dependent on him because she was just a ‘trophy wife.’ She was never an equal partner in the relationship. This was due to the fact that she was a woman living in times of unequality, but also because she was very frail minded.

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        Lamb to the Slaughter is story about Mary Maloney, a wife who is pregnant with the child of her husband whom she loves very much. Again she has the inferior role in the relationship because she is a woman. She is known by the people in her society as loving her husband very much, as all wives should do. She loved everything about him. Unfortunately this was not to last long. One day her husband comes home with some very upseting news that she will not like. What this news is was never revealed, but the control in the relationship ...

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