We traced the hills up 4000 feet and still had another 2000 feet to go. We were moving towards the Russian base

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The Cliff-hanger

        It is the year 2015 and I along with my captain are making our way up the mountains somewhere in eastern Russia. Our mission of this expedition is to find a hard drive which contains some very important undercover information about the Russian terrorist Macarov and his plans of a nuclear missile launch which will kill magnitudes of masses in US.

        “Be careful here Roach,” exclaimed captain McChrystal, “climbing such mountains can be very risky.”

“Don’t worry Captain,” I replied, “you are with a professional mountaineer here.”

        We traced the hills up 4000 feet and still had another 2000 feet to go. We were moving towards the Russian base. Both of us kept moving our alpines left and right to make our way up the hills. After a few hours when we were almost at the foot of Russian base we encountered some serious problem. We had to jump five metres off a cliff to get to the other end where the base was located. The jump was crucial and non-optional and even a small mistake could have lead us to death.

        “See you at the other side Roach,” said captain McChrystal in a confident tone. He accomplished the task very easily.

        Now it was my turn. I backed up and then ran in full speed and finally jumped off. Soon as I jumped I had realized that I had made a big mistake which will directly lead to my gruesome death. After a few seconds I found myself hanging vertically with my alpine in the rocks. I started moving upwards but the ice on my left side broke. I was hanging only to my right alpine. The ice on my right also broke and gravity was gently pulling me down but suddenly captain McChrystal grabbed hold of my hand and fiercely pulled me up.

        “I thought you were a professional,” said the captain ironically. I ignored his comments and took out my machine gun and both of us headed towards the Russian base. Suddenly we saw four Russian troops right ahead of us. I moved behind the rocks to take cover.

        “Hey you on the left,” shouted captain McChrystal and a couples of bullets were shot which ultimately did the job in our favour.

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        “Roach, move towards the eastern corner of the base,” said captain. “There is a gas station in the end of the eastern corner, you plant a bomb there. We need to be ready for an emergency and something that can distract the Russian soldiers in case we get caught.”

        I sneaked my way through all the Russian troops and reached my destination. I found two soldiers near the entrance of gas station having a discussion regarding the war against US. I crept way using their shadows as my weapon and finally killed them using my knife.

        The area was cleared ...

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