What are our first impressions of Lady Macbeth and how does Shakespeare create them in the audiences mind in Act 1?

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What are our first impressions of Lady Macbeth and how does Shakespeare create them in the audience’s mind in Act 1?

Lady Macbeth plays a considerable part in Shakespeare’s story of Macbeth. We start off the scene with the lady herself reading a letter from her beloved husband; this piece of paper announces Macbeth’s promotion to be Thane of Cawdor, and also describing his encounter with the three witches. We can tell by the reaction of this letter from Lady Macbeth that she loves him a lot but also has her reservations about the new Thane. She knows that her husband is very ambitious, but also thinks that he isn’t brave enough to do what is necessary (although he is brave enough to be a bold, fighting soldier), we can tell this from the quote ‘“th’ milk of human kindness”. Lady Macbeth, after this letter is determined to get her man the crown, which also shows the ambitiousness that they share together; of which she wants to do anything to get it. Whilst waiting for Macbeth to arrive, after hearing from the messenger, she delivers her famous speech where she begs “you spirits, that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty”. This means she would rather get rid of her natural femininity, so she can do the downright horrible deed of murdering King Duncan. This shows the ruthlessness of the Lady, and that she would do anything to get what she wants; we can already see very early in the scene that she definitely has an evil side and could even be compared to the three witches Macbeth previously met. As the brave soldier comes home, the couple discuss the matter of Duncan visiting them the same night. According to Macbeth, Duncan will be departing the next day so they do not have a lot of time; Lady Macbeth declares the King will not live to see another day. She seems much more confident in the plan than the man of the castle does.

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Shakespeare shows the audience that Lady Macbeth does not have the moral standards of most people. Very briefly in scene 6, we see her basically lie to Duncan saying that it is her duty to be hospitable since she and her husband owe so much to their king. Straight away it is obvious that she doesn’t mind lying to someone important to deceive them and make them feel welcomed when really, his murderers lie in wait. Later on, in scene 7, Macbeth is by himself considering his choice to kill the king and whether or not to actually do ...

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The essay is well written, with a high standard of grammar, spelling and punctuation. Occasionally the language used is a bit too conversational, and therefore slightly inappropriate for a school essay, for example, “we see her basically lie to Duncan”. Aside from this, the candidate has shown a flowing style and the command of a large vocabulary.

The candidate has quoted directly from the play, and commented on the quotations and thereby shown what impression they give of Lady Macbeth, and has also discussed her impact on Macbeth himself and the impression she creates on him. Where this is done it is done well, although the essay would benefit from more extensive quotation and reference to the text. The candidate has also not really discussed the literary devices used by Shakespeare and how these contribute to Lady Macbeth’s characterisation, although s/he has explained metaphors such as “th’ milk of human kindness”. Simply writing more and with great reference to the text would improve this essay greatly.

The candidate has addressed the question directly, and does his/her analysis by going through the first act chronologically. This is an effective method for approaching a question such as this and gives the essay a clear structure, although at times the analysis is not as in depth as would be appropriate for a high mark, and the essay is quite short.