What are the causes of the tragedy in "Romeo and Juliet"? What in your opinion is the main reason for the tragic outcome?

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Louise Trump

Tragic love stories have been told through the ages, and are still popular today. "Romeo and Juliet" is an example of such a story, explain how the play is typical of this genre and literary tradition. What are the causes of the tragedy in "Romeo and Juliet"? What in your opinion is the main reason for the tragic outcome?

Tragic love stories involve to people in love with each other and they usually end with their parting by death. Their love is normally secret and there are a number of problems that go on in the story.

Romeo and Juliet is a typical tragic love story. It includes most of the main elements, which make up this genre. These are that both of them are young and so they'll be confused about love. They fall in love at first sight, "Did my heart love till now, forswear it sight, for I ne'er saw true beauty till this night"-Romeo. Here he is saying how beautiful Juliet is and saying his feelings for her. He is infatuated here.

Romeo also arranges marriage at the earliest time possible. He says to Friar Lawrence - "And all combin'd, save what thou must combine by holy marriage, when and where, and how"-Romeo. He is asking Friar Lawrence to marry him and Juliet.

Another element to this genre is the Family feud which Romeo and Juliet have. There is constant fighting between the Montagues and Capulets (Act one, Scene One). "Old Montague has come, and flourishes his blade in spite of me"- Lord Capulet. Here Lord Capulet is saying how Lord Montague is fighting in spite of him. This shows how frustrated Lord Capulet gets with the Montagues.

"Thou villain Capulet hold me not, let me go"-Lord Montague. Here Lord Montague is saying that he is not going to let Lord Capulet hold him back. He wants to go and fight. This shows how much the families hate each other.

Romeo and Juliet have other lovers which is another element of a tragic love story. Romeo is infatuated with Rosaline and Paris seeks to marry Juliet. Juliet's parents try to force her into marrying him. Lord Capulet threatens her. "Unworthy as she is, that we have wrought so worthy a gentleman to be her bridegroom…get thee to church a' Thursday, or never after look me in the face… I'll give you to my friend, and you be not, hang, beg, starve, die on the streets"-Lord Capulet. This shows how short tempered and angry Lord Capulet can get and this doesn't help Juliet at all. She is probably frightened of him and so can't tell him anything.

There is a lot of bad luck in "Romeo and Juliet". There are three fights just before Romeo and Juliet meet, which doesn't help their relationship at all. Romeo and Tybalt meet (after Romeo and Juliet are married), Tybalt wants to fight. "Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries, that thou hast done me, therefore turn and draw"-Tybalt. Here he is asking Romeo to fight him and doesn't know about Romeo and Juliet's marriage. Mercutio is killed by Tybalt and Romeo loses his temper, "fire-eyed fury be my conduct now"-Romeo. Here, Romeo is angry that Tybalt killed his best friend and is saying that anger has now got the better of him. Romeo then kills Tybalt, which will not help Romeo and Juliet stay together without difficulty at all.

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Another piece of bad luck is that Juliet is to marry Paris. She won't get out of it very easily and it is impossible for her to marry when she is already married to Romeo.

Friar Lawrence's letter doesn't get to Romeo and so this causes a lot of trouble because Romeo thinks that Juliet is dead. Balthasar then sees Juliet's funeral and tells Romeo the news, "Then she is well, and nothing can be ill, her body sleeps in Capels' monument"- Balthasar. He is telling Romeo that she is dead and where her body lies. This doesn’t help ...

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