What are the main contrasts and comparisons between Christians and Jews in the Merchant of Venice?

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What are the main contrasts and comparisons between Christians and Jews in the Merchant of Venice?

At the time when Shakespeare wrote "The Merchant of Venice" there were not Jews in England. Jews had been Banned from there for 300 years so Shakespeare had no contact with Jewish people. Conflict with Jews, however, was seen as humorous to his audience and they were often used as stereotypical villains because of the ignorance the English people had towards other cultures and races

In "The Merchant of Venice", however, Shakespeare shows the comparisons as well as contrasts between Jews and Christians living together in society.

Antonio and Shylock were used as the main representatives of their faiths. They are both similar in the fact that they are both very wealthy however Antonio's wealth was seen as a gift from God because of his goodness and Shylock's wealth would have been seen as dishonest as he got it through usury, which was forbidden by Christians. Usury was seen as greed as they charged interest on money they leant, it was not in good faith as a bond between two people to ask for something as assurance in case they did not pay back the money on time, they would have been expected to have trust in the person they helped like Antonio did. Antonio leant money regularly, and shared his wealth, without charging interest on it.

Racism appears on either side. Antonio is racist towards Shylock and other Jews although this was accepted in society and therefore could be done more openly.

"Antonio : I am as like to call thee so again,

To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too."

Shylock is also racist towards Christians but he has to be secretive about it at risk of being punished severely.

"Shylock : I hate him for he is a Christian."

The Christian society allowed them to be openly racist were as Jews were oppressed in their opinions.

Shylock and Antonio do, nevertheless, have mutual good qualities. They are both generous with their money, both lend their own wealth to others in the community, although Shylock asked for interest he was still generous enough to lend it in the first place. They both over come their differences to make a deal with each other were Shylock over looked the matter of interest and Antonio asked Shylock to join him for dinner, a polite gesture which was taken badly because of the cultural differences between Jews and Christians.
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During the play we see a reversal of roles between Antonio and Shylock. At the beginning Antonio has wealth and power. When he loses this power he is put in Shylocks position where he is weak and the under-dog. When he regains his power he gains mercy and spares Shylock's life as Antonio has experienced how it feels to be in Shylock's position.

"Antonio : To quit the fine for one half of his goods, I am content -"

Shylock however gains power. He had mercy at the beginning, were he forgot what Antonio had done ...

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