What aspects of your life would you most like to keep and why

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There are many aspects of my life which have become important to me and the way I live day to day. Many of the things which I include myself I can easily live without and are merely acts of procrastination which I would be better of abandoning, yet there are some things which improve me as a person and are vital to my well being.

The first and most important of aspect of my life which every person needs to have, for a secure and happy way of life is family; and our ability to rely upon our family to always love and care for us. It is my parents who raised me and cared for me when no one else would they are the reason I am living the way of life I am today. Family is important because they give us the significance that we need to feel. They act as our own group of loyal supporters which we all crave to have. In a world that never stops moving for anyone, those closest to will, they will share in my sorrows and be joyous in my success. Our parents, siblings and relations are all that we have and they are who mould us into great people and the provide us the motivation to do great things and make the positive influence on society that keep the human race moving forward.
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Another aspect of our aspect of my life which I would want to keep is my religion. Islam was too first given to by my family, yet now it has become a complete way of life for me. It gives us humans the sense of purpose which we strive for and it instructs us on how we should act and behave to not only others around us but ourselves. Religion also has the ability to unite billions of people around the world to one common belief, and this common ground which we share with each other is invaluable ...

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