What Comic Devices are Used in "Ali G Indahouse" and How Are They Enhanced by the Music and Cinematography?

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What Comic Devices are Used in  “Ali G Indahouse” and How Are They Enhanced by the Music and Cinematography?

         Many people have called the movie “Ali G Inda House” an extremely funny film, but what makes this movie so funny, and how does the use of music and the use of camera work enhance the jokes? This essay aims to examine the types of humour used, such as double entendres and self-revealing irony. I will also observe in detail how some jokes are affected by music and cinematography.

The movie starts with opening credits, which are slightly reminiscent of a Hollywood movie, with dramatic music and sudden cuts of a city. The credits flash through and give a sense of a blockbuster movie. This sets the mood for the opening scene; you start to imagine a serious film with typical action scenes. It then cuts to a scene of a man hassling two women, when Ali G drives up in a convertible. The man turns around and speaks to Ali in Spanish, and Ali replies in French. This is self-revealing irony, a tactic employed greatly throughout the movie, which shows the stupidity of the character through their speech or actions.

The genre of music used in the opening credits (rap) and the use of establishing shots of Los Angeles gave the impression of a Hollywood action movie, with sudden cuts of the area and rap music setting the scene. However, within several minutes and after the first joke, the façade of a serious movie is destroyed, revealing it as a comedy and spoof.

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Also, after these first several scenes of the movie, it then becomes apparent that “Ali G Inda House” is just a satire based on the stereotypical black gangsters and the gang wars of the Los Angeles’ ghetto etc. It’s shown in many obvious ways, such as: it’s set in the town of Staines, and has two gangs, called Eastside, and Westside; they own their own individual turf, which is separated by roundabouts; and instead of owning expensive Ferraris or other such cars, they own old and cheap Renaults etc. Due to the fact that Ali G himself is actually ...

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