What does Dickens reveal about social class in 'Great Expectations'?

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What does Dickens reveal about social class in 'Great Expectations'?

The book opens with a young boy, nicknamed Pip, who is an orphan living with his abusive sister her and submissive husband Joe Gargery. He is surprised in a church cemetery by a convict, who threatens to kill him and then asks Pip to steal him some food and a file. Later, Pip meets Miss Havisham, a half-crazy rich woman who lives in crumbling Stasis Manor with Estella and has not left the house since her wedding day, when he fiancé never showed up (this left her a little crazy). Her only purpose in life is to get revenge on men, and she trains young girls to break their hearts. Pip is used as a toy to train Estella to do just this. Pip spends many months at Stasis Manor amusing Miss Havisham and longing for Estella, who tells him that he is coarse and common. Pip vows to become a gentleman worthy of Estella, and is apprenticed to Joe by Miss Havisham. Biddy teaches him to read.

One day Joe and Pip meet a stranger in a bar. Pip sees that he knows the convict. He gives money to Pip but leaves before they can return it. Soon after Jaggers arrives to take Pip away from his present sphere of life to peruse great expectations in London. This is the end of the first stage.

Pip meets Wemmick, Jaggers' clerk, in London. He is very different at work than at home, where he lives in a castle with "the Aged P" (his father). Jaggers' too has a secret- he has been keeping Molly in his house as his housekeeper since he got her acquitted of murder charges. He also put Estella in Miss Havisham's care when Magwitch was deported. Pip learns from Herbert Pocket, a pale-faced gentleman he fought in Miss Havisham's yard as a boy, all of Miss Havisham's sad past. Herbert lives with Pip and helps him spend his money, also teaching him to be a gentleman. Pip goes to school with Herbert's father, and there he meets Bentley Drummle, a young man whom Jaggers calls the Spider. The Spider preys on Estella, who marries him for his money. Pip's other friends are just as superficial and loud. Pip has a good time in London, wasting money and being selfish, but that does not belong in the plot! Miss Havisham sees what a horrible life Estella will lead, and asks Pip to forgive her. She tries to commit suicide but Pip saves her, and later she dies.

One day Pip's world is turned upside down when a strange man who calls himself Provis shows up. Pip finds out that Magwitch was deported to Australia, where he made his fortune and sent it all to Pip. Pip is shocked and horrified to find that a convict and not Miss Havisham is his benefactor. Magwitch tells Pip that Estella is his daughter by Molly, who is now employed by Jaggers. Magwitch is in grave danger because if he is caught he will be hanged. Compeyson, his old partner in crime and Miss Havisham's deserter is following him trying to inform the police on him. Pip, Wemmick and Herbert attempt to smuggle him out of the country but Compeyson finds them, followed by the police. Compeyson hires Orlick to kidnap and kill Pip, but he is rescued by Herbert and the Avenger (his servant). Magwitch drowns Compeyson, Pip is injured and Magwitch is arrested. He later dies in a prison hospital, and his fortune is relinquished to the Crown.
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Now Pip is no longer rich, and he returns home to marry Biddy only to find her marrying Joe. Wemmick sets him up a partnership with Herbert in a counting house, and he makes his money by honest work. Pip returns to Stasis Manor, and finds a little girl there that looks like Estella. Estella has returned to the ruins of her childhood with her young daughter, Estella also. Drummle has beaten and ill-used her and was kicked by a horse that he had treated badly and killed. Pip and Estella marry.

In another version, Pip is ...

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