What important developments and changes can be seen in the character of Lady Macbeth in the course of Shakespeare's 'Macbeth'?

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                Wong Hui Chyn 11I

What important developments and changes can be seen in the character of Lady Macbeth in the course of Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’?

In the course of Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’, Lady Macbeth is a loving, caring wife. She is confident, determined and positive. Lady Macbeth is a great partner to Macbeth; Lady Macbeth does for her husband what he cannot do for himself. She encourages him to take chances, to further his ambitions at any cost, to do things no other man would dare. And he follows, spurred on by her sheer enthusiasm and daring.

In the early scenes we see her in action. She is always in charge. She takes control. She acts in a practical manner when Macbeth expresses doubts about murdering the king, organizing and planning the deed with precision. She appears to be absolutely secure in her belief in her husband’s claim to the throne and her own position as his side as queen. So she supports him and, when he can do no more, she herself gilds the faces of the grooms with blood. When he is doubtful she comes to the rescue.

In a sense, Lady Macbeth shares the same characteristics as her husband, but in her we see an excess that Macbeth would like to control – until convinced by her that success is within their grasp. So, like Macbeth, we see her as ambitious, proud, ruthless, and manipulative. Her belief in their great venture overrides all else. It becomes an obsession with her, as it must with her husband. We watch with admiration as she manipulates Macbeth, using her feminine wiles to achieve her purpose. How well she understands her husband and his needs!

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Later in the play she acts out the role of accomplished hostess and wife when, at the banquet, Macbeth gives in to his fears, caught up in doubt and dismay. Earlier in the play she used guile when dealing with Duncan, making him believe she welcomed him as king and kinsman. We cannot but note the irony as she speaks to Duncan with such apparent sincerity and respect. Her ability for deception also comes to the fore when she faints at the news of Duncan’s death – a clever move to detract attention at a key and tense moment.


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