What is the dramatic impact of Act 1 Scene 1 on the play of Romeo and Juliet?

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What is the dramatic impact of Act 1 Scene 1 on the play of ‘Romeo and Juliet’? Paragraph 2 William Shakespeare starts the play with a dramatic fight that sets the play up and unravels the hatred involved in the play. The scene begins with Sampson and Gregory, servants of the house of Capulet. Sampson and Gregory are at first having a casual conversation about there rivals the Montague's. They discuss what they’ll do if the see ‘A dog of the house of Montague’. But as the conversation progresses the Capulet servants start to get really heated up and Sampson starts mention the
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fact that he doesn’t care whether it’s the men or the women, he says he’ll kill both of them. And then refers to taking their virginity as well. Coincidently to servants of the house of Montague enter the stage. The scheming Capulet’s decide to try and provoke the Montague's so that they have a lawful reason to fight them by defending themselves. So they Capulet servants Abram and Sampson try too provoke them by biting their thumb at them, but the plan doesn’t go as planned because the Montague's don’t react as anticipated because they simply ask ‘Do you bite ...

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