What is the significance of chapter 21?

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Lucy Atwell                07/05/2007

English lit                Miss. Buggins

What is the significance of chapter 21?


Plan - Plot development (tension, actions), then character development (two sides to Joe, Johnny’s view), then themes (obsession and conflict) and links to other parts in book (structure, style and language throughout)

Chapter 21 is a pivotal chapter in the novel were ‘words’ turn into ‘actions’ when Joe goes to purchase a gun for the ‘hippies’. It allows for character development, an increase in pace and plot development. The chapter has a compilation of themes including drama and comedy. Style, structure and language all contribute to this, and signpost this chapter to the audience.

This chapter increases the plot intensity by the introduction of the gun. Joe’s actions follow closely to Jeds, as they both ‘step up a level’, as Jed tries to kill Joe and Joe gets a gun creating an analogy. The plot intensity is shown through the language and structure. The language contributes to create atmosphere and tension between the characters and for the reader. Pace is also extremely important in this chapter as it symbolises its significance and create tension. McEwan uses positive language such as “…and a hundred cars parked outside, baking their colours in the sun” when describing the surroundings in the cars journey. This contrast later in the chapter when Joe describes the ‘hippies’ house and he uses negative language and imagery symbolising imprisonment like, “padlocked”, “skeletons”, “entrails”, “ugly”, “iron ring”, this is to show the increase of tension, and Joes nervousness. The way, in which Joe’s actions are unplanned and were therefore irrational, increases tension as the reader has no faith in Joe as he does not know what’s going to happen either.

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The style of pace is both increasing and decreasing throughout the chapter. Generally this technique increases the pace of the chapter as a whole, which is structurally important as the plot is starting to reach a climax and therefore symbolises its significance. McEwan also uses sentence structures to increase pace, by means of a complex sentences followed by simple sentence such as “It was a while since I had heard this devise, the percentages snatched from the air, the unprovenanced research, the measurement of the immeasurable. It had a particular boyish ring”.

The chapter also employs character development of ...

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