What is the significance of the title of the novel Enduring Love? What does Enduring Love have to say about the nature of love and/or relationships?

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Kristen Schroeder

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What is the significance of the title of the novel Enduring Love? What does Enduring Love have to say about the nature of love and/or relationships?

        Enduring Love is a story that in the whole is about love. The title of Enduring Love plays a role in summing up one major idea of the book, and it pulls the many different types and actions of love into two words. The way that Ian McEwan shares stories of love and indirectly teaches the readers about love is through the ideas of love that is everlasting, love that must be endured, and love as a theme.

        The idea that love is everlasting is shown more towards the end of the book where we learn more about a few relationships, and where we are left with a few details where love continues. The first example of love that lasts is with Mrs. Logan who had lost trust in her husband when he died with the idea that he was unfaithful. The reader learns, as well as Mrs. Logan, that Mr. Logan wasn’t unfaithful, but instead helping two other people out. When Mrs. Logan learns this, the love that she had for Mr. Logan is restored and she feels awful for having thought such bad thoughts about her deceased husband, “Oh god…But who’s going to forgive me? The only person who can is dead.” She feels like a bad person for her wrong thoughts, but now that she knows the truth, that “he was a terribly brave man. It’s the kind of courage that the rest of us can only dream about,” her love for him is even stronger, and as far as the reader can tell that this love will last.

The second example is with Jed Parry who loves Joe unconditionally; he never stops loving Joe, even when he is still upset and has love for after being shot and put in a mental hospital by him. Jed states his love openly and isn’t afraid to share. The first instance is with the phone call, “I just wanted you to know, I understand what you’re feeling. I feel it too. I love you.” Then after the story is finished, in Jed’s third year in the hospital, he writes in a letter, “You know it already, but I need to tell you again that I adore you. I live for you. I love you.”

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Lastly, the third example is between Joe and Clarissa, who throughout the story have had ups and downs, but throughout they love each other and in the end they’re back together. They had taken a break because Clarissa felt that she was betrayed, but after they saw the effect that the truth had had on Mrs. Logan, it is suggested that this had an affect on them as well. In the first appendix it is said that, “The victims of de Clerambault patients may endure harassment, stress, physical and sexual assault and even death. While in this case R (Joe) ...

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