What makes Romeo and Juliet a tragedy, and who or what is responsible for it?

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Prateek Bhandari 10C




       What makes Romeo and Juliet a tragedy, and who or what is

       responsible for it?


     Tragedy means a form of drama in which the character comes to disaster, as through a flaw in character, and in which the ending is usually marked by pity or sorrow. In Romeo

And Juliet, tragedy takes place because two young lovers of rival families love

each other desperately but circumstances and misfortune disables them from living a

happy married life and instead becomes the reason for their deaths. Romeo is the heir to the Montague family which has a high prestige in Verona but as a matter of fate he falls in love with Juliet who is from an equally prosperous family, called the Capulet. The Montague and the Capulet are sworn enemies which becomes the main cause of the demises of their own children.

        From the very beginning of the play, we are shown that Romeo, once falling in love with someone just becomes obsessed about it such as Rosaline. When he is invited to the Capulet house, his main charm of going there was to take a glimpse of his adored Rosaline but again as I mentioned earlier fortune plays a very big role in Romeo and Juliet. Instead of seeing Rosaline there he meets Juliet and falls in love with her immediately. Although after a while both of them get to know that they are both suppose to be enemies as Romeo being a Montague and Juliet being a Capulet they regret this fact and carry on loving each other. The very next day they marry each other with the help of Friar Laurence and the Nurse in the church. Just after that destiny again comes in their way, Tybalt (Juliet’s cousin) a short tempered young gentleman starts into a fight with Mercutio (a noble kinsman and Romeo’s friend) because Tybalt insults Romeo. The fight ends with the death of Mercutio by the hands of Tybalt through Romeo’s sleeve. This provokes Romeo to fight Tybalt since he killed his friend and Tybalt gets stabbed and dies. There is a sudden twist in the play by Tybalt getting killed.

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        Romeo is ordered to banish from the city of Verona which I would say is the beginning of the coming up tragedy. Back in Verona Capulet decides of Juliet marrying Paris since Paris was very determined ‘That may be, must be, love, on Thursday next.’

There is some immense dramatic tension rising in Act 3 Scene 5, because Juliet is told about her marriage with Paris by her own mother and the loyal nurse ‘ Marry, my child, early next Thursday morn the gallant, young, and noble gentleman, The county Paris, at St Peter’s ...

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