What makes Romeo and Juliet a tragedy and who Or what is responsible for the characters deaths?

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Kelly Price                What makes Romeo and Juliet a tragedy and who

 Or what is responsible for the

characters deaths?

          This essay is based on the following question: ‘What makes Romeo and Juliet a


tragedy and who or what is responsible for the characters deaths?’ The definition of

 ‘Tragedy’ is: A shocking or sad event. Fate plays a part of tragedy; Romeo and Juliet

are described as ‘Star-crossed lovers’, as though their fate was ‘written’ in the stars

before they were even born. Inevitability plays a part in tragedy as well; which means

that the action was bound to happen before no one could stop it. Romeo and Juliet is a

tragedy because the couple are in love with each other but could not have a

relationship; they died in result of this. Romeo and Juliet ended tragically for many

reasons. Several people were responsible for their deaths.


        One of the main reasons for the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet is Fate. The

definition of fate is: A power supposed to predetermine events; an inevitable fortune

that befalls a person or thing. The fate of Romeo and Juliet is that they were not meant

to be together no matter how much they loved each other. It is fate that Romeo split

from Rosaline and attended the Capulet ball because if those incidents did not happen

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then he would not have met Juliet. It is fate that Friar Johns letter did not reach

Romeo explaining Juliet’s ‘death’ and it is fate that Juliet had not woken up earlier to

stop Romeo from killing himself. This means fate is partly responsible for the death

of Romeo and Juliet. “A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life”.

        The Montague and Capulet on-going feud is also responsible for the death of

Romeo and Juliet. “Doth with their death bury their parents strife,” The prologue tells

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