What makes Romeo & Juliet a tragedy and who/what is responsible?

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Shakespeare Essay

Romeo and Juliet

What makes ‘Romeo and Juliet’ a tragedy and who or what is responsible for it?

Tragedy is one of the key genres illustrated in Romeo and Juliet. There are always certain actions which lead to tragic consequences. Also, a number of deaths take place and the greatest of them are the deaths of both Romeo and Juliet. However, you cannot blame only one certain thing or individual for the tragic consequences which occur in the play. Various characters and elements contribute to the catastrophic events. Also, certain actions and attitudes of characters result in negative outcomes even when it could have been avoided. In addition to this point, fate also plays a great role in the happenings of the play.

To begin with, the two families, Montague and Capulet, have been locked in a feud for many long years. From this element, all the other misfortunes begin to unfold.

And then moving onto the main basis of the story; the “pair of star-cross’d lovers” who are Romeo and Juliet both from opposite households fall in love and are restricted to do so freely and are not able to be together. This in itself is tragic and unbearable for the two young people who are in love. If the feud hadn’t been persistent for the many years it has been, Romeo and Juliet would never have had to keep their marriage and love a secret. It is expressed in the opening chorus lines 9-11: “The fearful passage of their death mark’d love, and the continuance of their parents’ rage, which, but their children’s end, nought could remove”. The mentioned quote demonstrates that the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet’s lives was mainly influenced by the feud between the two families.

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Romeo is a character in the play who acts very hastily. At one moment, he was pining for the love of Rosaline, and soon after he falls in love with Juliet. Also, even though he has only known Juliet for less than a day, he is prepared to marry her, which again illustrates his impulsiveness. Juliet is also ready to give her vows and get married. She knows Romeo is a Montague – and a Montague is an enemy to the Capulets. Even so, she is so rapt in her love for Romeo that she takes a great risk ...

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