What part does Lady Macbeth play in Macbeth's downfall?

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What part does Lady Macbeth play in Macbeth’s downfall?

Macbeth is a very important character in the play. At the beginning of the play he comes across a being a brave warrior who is respected, as he is a commander of king Ducan’s army and helps them to win the battle. He is then promoted by the king and made the thane of Cawdor, as the old one turns out to be a traitor and is killed. The king makes it clear that he will richly reward him for the bravery and loyalty he has shown. After the battle Macbeth meets three witches who make predictions for his future. They exploit his weakness, his ambition and they torment him with riddles, telling him that he will be thane of Cawdor before he knows it himself, and that one day he will be king. They also said that Banquo’s (Macbeth’s friend) soon will be king one day.

After Macbeth hears the predictions his ambition begins to show, he writes a letter to his wife to tell her what has happened and to excite her interest in his plans. He then goes back to his castle and him and his wife plan to kill the king. It is mainly Lady Macbeth’s idea and she persuades him to go through with it. After the murder thy left the daggers they used with two sleeping guards and they also covered them with Duncan’s blood. When the king is found Macbeth kills the guards to avoid them saying it wasn’t them. Macbeth then orders Banquo and his son to be killed as he feels that they are a threat to him becoming king. Banquo is killed but his son gets away. Macbeth than starts to go mad and become obsessed with others who threaten him. As a result he orders Macduff family to be killed. Finally Macbeth is overthrown in a battle by the sons of the king and he is killed by Macduff.  

Women at that time were considered to be not very important and they did not have a very big part in society. They were regarded as their husband’s possessions and the only way they could get power would be through their husband, they could only be important their husband was.

We first see Lady Macbeth when she receives a letter from her husband telling her what the witches had said. This makes her believe and think that Macbeth will be king. It gives her high hopes and makes her very ambitious. When she sees Macbeth she persuades him to kill the king because she wants Macbeth to be king. This could be for any number of reasons, such as she loves her husband so she wants to support him and she wants him to be something. She may also want to be part of his success so he will respect her for it, or she may want him to be king purely so that she can be queen, as the only way she could have power would be if Macbeth did.

She may persuade him to kill the king for any of these reasons. She has to persuade him because he changes his mind several times and at one point it is clear that he is really unsure and that maybe he does not want to do it. This could be because he enjoys being in Duncans favour and because he is his cousin. Lady Macbeth has to get him back on course and eventually persuades him to go through with it.

They commit the murder together. Macbeth actually kills him but Lady Macbeth persuades him to do it and plans how to do it and how to make sure they do not get caught.  

When Macbeth starts to go mad over everything that has happened, Lady Macbeth tries to keep him sane and calm him down. She supports and reassures him, but she herself eventually starts to go mad and breaks down, as it may all become too much for her. This is shown when she sleepwalks, the scene shows her as a very weak and powerless character who does not know what to do. Lady Macbeth eventually kills herself as she must realize that she cannot live with everything that has happened anymore and she has to get out.

The stereotypical opinion of Lady Macbeth is that she is an evil character, this is because she persuades Macbeth to kill the king and this makes people think that she is responsible for his downfall and so she must be an evil person. As people think that she wanted Macbeth to be king just so she could be queen, this means that they think she is selfish and evil. Many actresses, when playing Lady Macbeth portray her as being a purely evil woman dragging Macbeth down into sin. Some people take her character to be evil personified with a strong face, long fiery hair and a maniac look in her eyes. This can seem like a very over the top portrayal of her, it just simply shows one side of her and makes her seem like a typical pantomime witch. When she is played like this she can be shown to torture Macbeth into committing the murder.  It seems like she is stronger and more powerful than her husband so she can force him into doing what she wants. It seems as though she is possessed. Her speech is often full of evil and double meaning when she is portrayed in this way, it gives the impression that there is no live between her and her husband. This quote shows her trying to turn herself into an evil woman; ‘Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe topfull of direst cruelty, make thick my blood, stop up th’ access and make passage to remorse that no compunctious visitings of nature. Shake my fell purpose nor keep peace between Th’ effect and it. Come to my woman’s breasts and take my milk for gall, you murd’ring ministers wherever in your sightless substances you wait on natures mischief. Come, thick night and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, wound it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark, To cry, ‘Hold, Hold.’’

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This is a very powerful speech by Lady Macbeth, from this we get the idea that she was not born evil but becomes possessed by evil spirits, which make her a very evil and cruel woman. From the language used in this quote we get a good idea of just how evilly she can be portrayed. There are many violent words in her speech, which show a violent side to her character, such as; ‘murdering ministers’, ‘direst cruelty’ and ‘wound’. These are all very horrible words and they are also very strong and powerful, they help to show that she ...

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