What qualities do you see in Juliet?

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Sofia Rafiq 11y I will rule the world

What qualities do you see in Juliet?

“Romeo and Juliet” is an overwhelmingly tragic young love story. The character of Juliet develops dramatically throughout the story. The changes in her character are due to the events that occur in her life.

Juliet shows innocence and obedience clearly before she meets Romeo. “What is your will?” These are her first words spoken to her mother. Such words clearly show innocence and obedience. Her character at the beginning of the play is not as strong as it is towards the end. This is because she has not been through much in her life at this stage. She is not independent at all. She has not experienced many aspects of life, as everything is done for her because she is rich and all decisions are made for her by her parents, as she is dependant on her family. Slightly on in the play her mother speaks to her of a marriage proposal. Juliet’s reply is, “No more deep will I end ant mine eye, then your consent gives strength to make it fly”. By this the reader can gather that she is happy with the decision her mother makes for her. She has no intention in taking any role to choose her future husband. This all stops when she meets Romeo.

Juliet shows impetuosity throughout the play. She does things that she knows she is not allowed to do. When she kisses Romeo she is very brave, as everyone is present at the time. “Then have my lips, the sin they have took”. She does not look at anyone for consent in what she is doing; she just goes ahead and does it. Romeo and Juliet marry the second day of knowing each other. Juliet does not have anything against marrying him and is quite brave about it. Marrying someone, when you do not know them is a very good example of impetuosity. This also proves that Juliet is a very motivated person.

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Braveness is a quality of Juliet’s character that is shown frequently throughout the play. One example of this is when she commits suicide for Romeo, as she does not see any point in a life without Romeo. “Oh happy dagger! This is thy sheath, there rust and let me die”. She had an alternative of living life as a nun but she goes ahead and commits suicide. This is an act of bravery. “Love gives me strength” Juliet stays strong throughout the play despite the events that are happening to her. As the play goes on she becomes more ...

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