What were they like

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What Were They Like

The Poem we have studied is ‘What Were They Like’ which was written in the 1960’s by Denise Levertov. Denise Levertov was a anti war protester, who protested about the loss of the Vietnamese culture and the cruelty of the Americans. The structure of the poem was written in questions then answers as she wanted us to think about the questions then look at the answers after. Denise Levertov emphasises about the disaster which was caused by the Americans which left the people of Vietnam devastated.

In the first question Denise Levertov tries to tell us that the people of Vietnam lived a simple life “did the people of Vietnam use lantern or stones”. Denise levertov tries to tell us that the people of Vietnam had hardly any money let alone electricity. Vietnam was isolated from the advanced countries such as America, United Kingdom and much more. This brings sympathy from the readers towards the people of Vietnam, as thinks makes the reader feel very saddened by what happened to all those happy villagers. In the answer 1; Denise levertov tells us that darkness came across the Vietnam “Sir, their light hearts turned to stone”. Denise Levertov uses the words “Lights hearts” to tell us that the Vietnamese people were kind, calm and peaceful people. Then Levertov uses the word “Stone” to emphasise the fact that their lives came to an unexpected end.

In the second question, Denise Levertov asks us if people of Vietnam worshipped nature. “Did they hold ceremonies to reverence the opening of the bud?” What Denise Levertov was trying to explain was that they loved nature and they never harmed it. In the answer 2, Denise Levertov tells us that they maybe did hold ceremonies “perhaps they gathered once to delight in blossom” Levertov uses the words “perhaps” and “ once” which indicates that nobody really knew if they did worship nature as it was a long time ago. In the second point, Denise Levertov tells us that the village was surrounded by sadness when the children died “But after the children died there were no buds”. She uses the quote to explain that there were no more laughter or happiness in the atmosphere surrounding the village. Denise Levertov uses the word “buds” as a metaphor to refer to the starting of a human life.

In the third question, Denise Levertov asks us if the Vietnam were happy or not “quiet laughter”. She is asking us if they were happy enjoying their lives and if they were a close unit (close family). In the answer 3, Denise Levertov tells us that Vietnam had nothing to enjoy themselves with. “Sir Laughter is bitter to the burned mouth”. She uses alliteration to show the reader how people can’t bare the thought of being happy anymore. She uses sarcasm to make her point about people who have lost everything can no longer experience any happiness. During and after the war people were getting torn to pieces, just because they were right in the middle of the war.

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In the question 4, Levertov asks us if the Vietnamese people used bone and ivory “did they use bone and ivory”. Levertov uses the words bone and ivory because it links to nature. So she asks us if they worshipped nature and if they used parts of nature. In the answer, Levertov tells us that ornaments are used when people are happy. “Ornaments is used for joy” “bones were charred” if they wasn’t any joy in the village then there wasn’t any point of wearing ornaments. Levertov uses the words “bones” and “charred” to tell us that bones were ...

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