When Tybalt arrives the tone changes from a fun and cheerful atmosphere, to a more sinister atmosphere

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Romeo and Juliet Essay

Romeo and Juliet, written in 1594 by William Shakespeare, is about ‘a pair of star-cross’d lovers’ who fight the ongoing disagreement their families have, in attempts to be together. It is believed that Shakespeare heard about a vendetta between two families in the 13th century, which gave him the idea to write the play. Romeo, of the Montague house and Juliet of the Capulet house, had no control over their love because of the two different families. They cannot escape fate, as their destiny is written in the stars, and this is what causes their ‘misadventured piteous overthrows.’ It is only because of their deaths that the families come together, as they realise that this is the consequence of their continuous conflict.

Mercutio winds Benvolio up, saying that Benvolio is always looking for a fight, when actually it is true to him. “Thou art like one of these fellows that, when he enters the confines of a tavern, claps me his sword…” He uses word play to build low level tension between Benvolio and himself. The name Benvolio is taken from the word benevolent, which means kind and gentle, proving that what Mercutio is saying is not about Benvolio. Also, Mercutio is a highly unpredictable character; he is either really high or really low, causing him to be light hearted or serious. Benvolio is uncertain of which of his personalities he is at this point, and so could go along with Mercutio’s wit, or be confused at what he is saying.

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When Tybalt arrives the tone changes from a fun and cheerful atmosphere, to a more sinister atmosphere. Mercutio and Benvolio have just had a light hearted banter, when the Capulets enter with Tybalt in search of a fight with Romeo. The audience are instantly expecting something to happen, as with this physical entrance of Tybalt, the tension has built up to the next level. Mercutio is a clever witty character, who is quick with words. He uses metaphors, similes and word play within his speech, making it hard to tell if he is being serious or not. When Tybalt ...

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