Where does the chaos lie in the first two acts of A Midsummer Nights Dream?

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Yann Tarouilly 3°2                18/09/10

Where does the chaos lie in the first two acts of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”?

It seems the main source of chaos in the first two acts of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is love.

Indeed, in Act 1 Scene 1, we can find many love relations : Theseus, duke of Athens, and Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons are engaged and are going to get married very soon.

In this case, both of them love each other and everything goes well. This is the initial situation.

Nevertheless, there come on stage four young Athenians, who all have different lovers from those they must marry. Our four characters are Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius, and Helena. Helena loves Demetrius but the latter doesn’t love her, which causes her complete desperation. As a matter of fact, Helena’s problem brings more chaos : she submits herself, and even comes to a point where, in Act 2 Scene 2, she says : line 203, page 39 “I am you spaniel” which shoes her complete submission. This way of behaving shoes real chaos there. As well, Demetrius loves Hermia, but Hermia loves Lysander. That’s the only two among the four Athenians who love each other : Lysander and Hermia. But, chaos comes another time because they are not allowed to marry, but this is another type of chaos.

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In the end, we understand that this situation his really complicated, and chaotic for most of the characters except Theseus and Hippolyta.

In Act 2 Scene 1, we can also find love chaos : Oberon, the King of the Fairies wants to marry Titania, Queen of the Fairies. But, Oberon wants to marry her only to get a little Indian Child from Titania(line 143 page 35 : “Give me that boy, and I will go with thee”). But, she refuses (line 123 page 35 : “The fairy land buys not the child of me”). This chaotic situation is a bit ...

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