"Who Is Responsible for King Duncan's Murder & Macbeths Downfall".

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“Who Is Responsible for King Duncan’s  

  Murder & Macbeths Downfall”

     Macbeth is troubled by his own actions. The killing of Duncan has had a great effect on his life. The killing of one king results in killing more than one person. He needs to kill anyone that might prevent him from keeping the Throne. The question I am going to focus on is “Who is responsible for King Duncan’s murder and Macbeth’s downfall?”


     There are three possible answers for this question. The first possible answer is Macbeth himself, for his murderous actions. The second possible answer is Lady Macbeth, for having the thought of persuading Macbeth to kill Duncan. The third possible answer, is the Witches, they foretold Macbeths future by saying “Macbeth is going to be the Thane of cawdor and the next King of Scotland.”

     They can all blame each other for the killing of King Duncan, from their own point of view. So is it Macbeth who is to blame, Lady Macbeth, or the three Witches? I am going to study each one of the characters in turn, looking at how each of the characters contributed to King Duncan’s murder and Macbeths downfall. I am going to establish a conclusion to show who is responsible for Macbeth’s downfall.

     The first characters I am going to be looking at are “The Witches”

     In Shakespeare, people use to believe in witches. The audience would know that the witches on the stage are human’s. In real life people did believe that there is something called a witch and people where horrified even if they had heard about them.  The king at that time was so scared of the horrifying witches and said “any one who plays a part of being a witch or acting like one would serve a death penalty.”


The witches could do anything they want. Here are some of the few powerful things that they can do:

  • They are all powerful
  • They can control or influence people
  • Predicted the future
  • Evil magic
  • Vanish into the air
  • Contacts with the devils
  • Could bring diseases, illnesses to animals and humans
  • Control the weather
  • Usually working in the night
  • Making magic potions

The witches play a major part in the killing of King Duncan. As they are all powerful, they get something done for them. In this case, they make use of Macbeth. They aim to play with Macbeth’s life. First, they give joy, and then they give you danger. They foretold Macbeth’s future saying “he is going to be the Thane of Cawdor and then the king of Scotland”

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     (Act five) Hecate rebukes the witches for speaking to Macbeth without involving her. She bids them to meet her at the pit of Acheron to tell Macbeth his destiny. She promises to use magic to ruin the overconfident Macbeth.

     At the same time of the night when King Duncan was killed, the night itself was so strange. The rain was pouring hard, lightning and thunder had struck, the owls shrieked and many other strange things happened that night. This indicated that the witches had played part in the killing of King Duncan.


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