Who is responsible for the final tragedy in romeo and juliet

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Mohammed Hussein Ahmed (Asghar Yusuf)

Romeo and Juliet

'Romeo and Juliet' is one of the most world renowned plays by William Shakespeare; it is still performed, read and watched all around the world for many different purposes. The play deals with destiny, fate, rivalry, conflict, status and of course love. All the events take place within 72hours.

The aim of this essay is to show who is responsible for the tragic deaths nearing the end of the play. Hopefully with all the analysis and evidence that will be collected about the characters that I have reason to chose, I will be able to make a fair conclusion.

As in any story there is always a complication and then solution without this the story would not be interesting and would be straight forward. In Romeo and Juliet this sequence of tragedy and rejoice carries on throughout the play many times with many people taking responsibility for their actions.

I have also ranked the characters which I believe where responsible for the out comings. The first person that I am going blame is Romeo Montague; there are many reasons to why I have chosen him as the most responsible.

In Act 1 Scene 1 we find out that Romeo is a fool for love, because the text says that Romeo is divested that he Rosalind, his cousin that he loves, does not love him. He feels that his fate is in the stars, as quoted “I feat too early, some consequence in the stars”. Benvolio takes Romeo to a party which will be held by the Montague’s enemy, the Capulets, as quoted in the script “Examine other beauties” By fate Romeo is overwhelmed by the beauty of Juliet and instantly falls in love again, this is fate or destiny because this is where the story begins, you may call it love at first sight. So you could say that if Romeo had not accepted the offer to attend this party, knowing that it was a held by the Capulets and that it could be dangerous, he still went through with it, if he had not then Romeo and Juliet would not have met meaning that he might have not been responsible for the tragic deaths at the end.

We also see that this proves Romeo is a person that falls in and out of love, as quoted “did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For in ever saw true beauty”. As Juliet sighs out of love from her balcony, Romeo being the love sick puppy he is, jumps over the gate and approaches Juliet's balcony, if this romantic scene had not occurred then Juliet would not have proposed, but you cannot be certain that if they had met again then the story might have been different, because they have only just met. Knowing that both their families would never agree and be happy to this relationship Juliet proposes to Romeo, and he accepts. I believe it is Romeos fault for causing Juliet to propose because she has fallen in love, the fact that Romeo had come to Juliet's balcony had triggered the tragic events, so Romeo is responsible, he should have gone straight home rather than ponder.  Although, in the times of Romeo and Juliet people where expected to marry at a young age but they where not given a choice on who to marry, the parents decision was final.

The next day Romeo confesses to Friar Lawrence of this relationship and he accepts to going through with this marriage. Romeo should have had longer to think about the situation instead he ran head first into getting the marriage arranged, which means he initiated first contact regards proposal through love at first sight and marriage arrangements. Overall more time should have been spent on thinking about the relationships future as a replacement for speed of agreement.

It is now a very hot afternoon and while looking for shade, Tybalt comes to Romeo determined to start the fight. Romeo tries to stop this because he knows that as he is married to a Capulet, Tybalt is family. The actions that occurred next where pivotal moment in the play and followed the sequence of ‘problem then solution’, the solution to Romeo not feeling so good was getting married to Juliet and now a problems follows after this as: Tybalt kills Mercutio by accident, which instantly causes Romeo to seek his own honour resulting in the death of Tybalt his cousin, and Romeo then realise what he has done then quotes “O’ I am fortunes fool”. Here shows that Romeo is responsible for the death of Mercutio and Tybalt because if he had not gone to the party in the first place he would not have to fight Tybalt and so Mercutio would not be killed. Taking revenge for someone death was the honourable thing to do even in this situation. As Prince Escales hears of this news he then banishes Romeo.

The nurse arranges for Romeo to meet up with Juliet and then they have sexual intercourse, although both their families know that nothing is going on. 400 years ago, young women were expected to be virgins on their wedding day, Virgins were highly valued and as Juliet was not a virgin anymore, partly Romeos doing, there would be more problems for Juliet. If Romeo had just waited outside Verona, then maybe Juliet could have run away to him, instead of faking her death and resulting in a tragic end; the sexual intercourse is partly Romeos fault and he is responsible for any outcomes from that.

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While Romeo waits at Mantua, his servant tells him that Juliet is dead, not knowing that this was part of the Friars cunning plan, he buys poison so that he may kill himself because he has nothing to live for. If Romeo had waited only second later to take the poison, actually if he had waited in Mantua he maybe would have received the letter that the Friar had sent informing him of the plan, but he didn’t wait and as he takes the poison only seconds later he would have seen Juliet wake up from her fake death. ...

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