"Who is the Real Monster in Frankenstein, Victor or his Creation?"

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"Who is the Real Monster in Frankenstein, Victor or his Creation?"

 Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein in the early part of the nineteenth century. The novel was written at a time when Mary Shelley and her husband Percy were staying at the home of Lord Byron on the shores of Lake Geneva. Mary Shelley was born in 1797, her mother died shortly after her birth. As a child the idea of republicanism was implanted into her by her father. Her mother had been an early women's rights campaigner and had written several books on the subject. Her father, on the other hand, was very interested in alchemy and Galvanism. Galvanism was the idea of running electric currents through a body to restore it to life, invented by Luigi Galvani. In Frankenstein we are told of a man who creates a life. This creation is perceived by society and his creator to be a monster. Mary Shelly's Frankenstein explores a wide variety of themes, and raises some serious ethical issues. One such issue that comes up time and time again is that of who the real monster is, but what is a monster?

 The word monster can be described as behaviour crossing the boundaries of acceptability or seeking knowledge which should remain a mystery. For example in the novel Victors curiosity to follow ambitions no matter what the consequence. Stereotypically monsters appear ugly or abnormal. Over time the meaning of the word monster has changed considerably. Throughout the ages society has been based on stark contrasts: good or bad, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly. These contrasts create negative morals which lead people to be prejorative. A monster can also be thought of as someone who knows the difference between good and bad yet still chooses evil over good. However if one is not taught these differences they should not be held accountable for their wrong actions.

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 Frankenstein does not fit easily into one particular genre. It cannot fit into the gothic or horror genres due to the following: It contains no supernatural figures such as ghosts, witches, devils, demons or sorcerers. Other typical Gothic elements, e.g. ruined castles, graveyards and charnel houses, appear only briefly or in the distance.

Gothic and romantic traditions are evident. Science fiction and scientific discovery genres can also be found. Victor can be mainly linked to the gothic tradition as his blind ambition and need to know the forbidden can be linked back to gothic writers. Gothic writers tend to explore ...

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A good analysis that evaluates language, structure and form and considers how they are used to shape meaning. Make sure that quotes are analysed at word level so consideration of the author's language choices and what they represent are considered in depth. 4 Stars